Because of my work schedule and travel and the crappy snow conditions the last few years, (I haven't used my sled but for a couple of hours riding the local dirt roads after a snow) I've decided to sell the sleds and trailer and was wondering what the market's like? I figure it's pretty slow but wanted some feedback from the menbers that are selling or buying and to hear what you all have found.
I really can't answer your question but thought I'd respond with a "we've missed you, handsome!"
Too bad about your decision to sell your stuff. I can't say I blame you as I've given it serious thought myself. I hope you stop by now and again just to keep us smiling.
Too bad about your decision to sell your stuff. I can't say I blame you as I've given it serious thought myself. I hope you stop by now and again just to keep us smiling.
Don't give up!
In registering my snowmobile yesterday, I got into a lengthy conversation with a NYS DMV supervisor. She said the state (New York) has gone so far as to "look the other way" on small infractions and enforcement stops for snowmobilers, to help promote more participation in the sport. The state is losing money on the trails program, and wants to revitalize interest, and in turn begin a return on revenue for NYS.
I am just getting back into the sport after 25+ years, and we (me & my 8-year old Son) are excited to begin our adventures; even if it means only going out for an hour after dinner!
Work and life commitments are becoming overwhelming in this failing economy, but people NEED something to break the routine; spice up the routine, overcome the mundane. Think about the annual trip to an A-typical amusement park. Everyone gets excited about going, fantasizes about what rides they will go on first, how many times they'll go on it, etc. Snowmobiling can be that amusement park! Instead of checking / changing the oil in your car, clean your carbs and change your chain case oil! Instead of packing the cooler, go through the safety checklist for your sled! Instead of booking a room near "Super Adventureland", book a room at a hotel that only can be reached by sled!
I vote you keep them. Obviously up to you; but there was a reason you were interested in sledding to begin with, and unless that reason has changed or diminished you can still make it work! Just my 2 cents!
In registering my snowmobile yesterday, I got into a lengthy conversation with a NYS DMV supervisor. She said the state (New York) has gone so far as to "look the other way" on small infractions and enforcement stops for snowmobilers, to help promote more participation in the sport. The state is losing money on the trails program, and wants to revitalize interest, and in turn begin a return on revenue for NYS.
I am just getting back into the sport after 25+ years, and we (me & my 8-year old Son) are excited to begin our adventures; even if it means only going out for an hour after dinner!
Work and life commitments are becoming overwhelming in this failing economy, but people NEED something to break the routine; spice up the routine, overcome the mundane. Think about the annual trip to an A-typical amusement park. Everyone gets excited about going, fantasizes about what rides they will go on first, how many times they'll go on it, etc. Snowmobiling can be that amusement park! Instead of checking / changing the oil in your car, clean your carbs and change your chain case oil! Instead of packing the cooler, go through the safety checklist for your sled! Instead of booking a room near "Super Adventureland", book a room at a hotel that only can be reached by sled!
I vote you keep them. Obviously up to you; but there was a reason you were interested in sledding to begin with, and unless that reason has changed or diminished you can still make it work! Just my 2 cents!
Lol, thanks snomofo i missed you too ; )
Believe me I'm not fired up about selling the stuff but it just isn't getting used. I'm scheduled to be overseas once a month for the next 8 months and with my travel states side the last thing I want to do is take a trip on the weekend. In a year or two if things settle down I'll probably get back into it.
Believe me I'm not fired up about selling the stuff but it just isn't getting used. I'm scheduled to be overseas once a month for the next 8 months and with my travel states side the last thing I want to do is take a trip on the weekend. In a year or two if things settle down I'll probably get back into it.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I have bought 3 srx's in the last 12 months, Paid $1100 for an 01 700 pretty decent over all with fresh top end and camoplast track (300 miles on both) snow was all but gone, havent rode it yet. Bought a 99 srx 700 that I rode home for 800, rode it the rest of the season. Picked up a 98 srx 600 horse trading have little to nothing out of pocket for that one. I am familar with the holly area and understand where your at with the crappy snow, have freinds and family living in the holly area. What do you have for sleds? Best I can do is offer free storage up here in the snow belt.......Just leave the keys too!

VIP Member
Holy Crap!! You're alive!!! I've missed seeing that avatar!

holy crap he is BACK!! I guess you are getting sick of sitting in your vehicle at Home depot parking lots.How many wallets have you gone through all this time is all I want to know????LMAO..Welcome back!!!

Thanks for the info Devilin and I appreciate the offer.
Lol@ Sled, It's Alive!
Funny that you remember that Blue, I buy my wallets at Dollar General by the gross. Lmao
Lol@ Sled, It's Alive!
Funny that you remember that Blue, I buy my wallets at Dollar General by the gross. Lmao

all right..I kinda thought that you were very busy buying up all them wallets..I knew you were keeping active....