Braided brake hose worth it?


New member
Nov 30, 2004
northern michigan
My brake hose is a little short with my Rox riser that I put on last season. I'd like to put a longer one on there, do you really get better response from a braided line or should I just get a longer oem rubber version?

i got the rsi braided one and it feels really firm and powerful. takes away the... "squishyness" and it looks better.
Ok, thanks sounds like the way to go! I noticed them in my High Performance Engineering catalog for like 47 bucks.I didn't think that sounds too awful bad.
It might worth checking into. I have a hydraulic supply place close me and i know thy can make car brake lines with coated stainless braid line cheaper than replacement lines from the auto parts supply. I don't see why a place like that can make snowmobile brake lines
