Chain case gear re-assembly


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Racine, Wisconsin
I pulled the gears and chain off many months ago to change the track and of course now I can't figure out the orientation of some of the parts.

First the bottom (big) gear. The center of the gear protrudes out more on one side then the other side, by a noticeable difference. Which side goes in towards the engine, the long side or the short side?

Adding to the confusion is the two spacer rings that go behind the big and small gear. They seem to be the same ID because they will slide onto the drive shaft and the jackshaft, but one is thicker than the other. Does the thicker one go behind the upper or the lower gear?

I had pictures but can't locate them, so I need some help.


I just finished changing my upper gear.The large gear with the center protruding out more goes inwards.I can't rem,ember about the spacers,since I did not remove mine.BUT try them one way and slide the gears on.The gears should both be set in from the case.Take a straight edge across the case and check if both gears are set equal from the straight edge.I am guessing the small collar goes on the bottom shaft..don't quote me...
Gears & spacers

He's right above.The shoulder on the gear goes in toward the bearing. The spacers will be obvious if you put everything in place because the gears will be out of line if you do it wrong. From memory I think the thicker spacer goes on the top.

