Will a track from a 121 nytro fit a 121 viper?
It should. My '02 Viper is extended to a 144" and I put on a new take-off 1.25" ripsaw from a Nytro XTX. Works great on mine.
It will fit, so long there are no studs in it, it's a direct bolt on.
Thx guys,
There is one on kijiji for $250.
And I don't use studs..
There is one on kijiji for $250.
And I don't use studs..
you will either need to notch the track or remove the front protectors. I chose to notch the track. It was very quick. take about an eigth inch off two little nips on each side and you are done. Let me know if you want a pic.
you will either need to notch the track or remove the front protectors. I chose to notch the track. It was very quick. take about an eigth inch off two little nips on each side and you are done. Let me know if you want a pic.
Ya post a pic. my dad has an rx1 and they had the same skid and he has a 1.25 ripsaw and its fine but maybe it has different drives?