I picked up a 89 Ovation 340. Great compression and spark.
Drained and cleaned fuel tank. replaced in-tank fuel filter. all new fuel, vent, and pulse lines. Cleaned all carb passage ways with compressed air and carb cleaner. Set throttle freeplay. Checked TORS. Reset screws to 1 3/4 out. Took off fuel pump line, gave her a pull it shot fuel out nicely. Pulled over until bowl was full and it came to life!
Idled until warm, set idle, fine tuned air screw. Revved her up up to differant speeds. No missing, bogs, cut-outs, ran perfect.
Shut it off, 30 minutes later, it wouldnt start, pulled like 50 times, switched to electric start for a minute with no luck. Tried choke on/off, tried full throttle, half throttle, no throttle, NO DICE...
Made sure spark was good.
Took carb back out gave her a soak in the carb cleaner bucket, then re-sprayed it all out with carb cleaner then compressed air. Wouldnt start off course so I gave her a little fuel under spark plug. Fired right up, filled up the bowl, and ran like new. I let it idle for 15 minutes, drove around yard a few times, and it ran like a dream... Finally shut it off, and tried restarting 15 minutes later to make sure it was good. Popped on first pull, died off right away then no start.
Dumped a little fuel under plug, it fires on first pull, runs great, will idle all day. But wil not restart after sitting???
DO I just do the VM carb swap or could it be something else????
Drained and cleaned fuel tank. replaced in-tank fuel filter. all new fuel, vent, and pulse lines. Cleaned all carb passage ways with compressed air and carb cleaner. Set throttle freeplay. Checked TORS. Reset screws to 1 3/4 out. Took off fuel pump line, gave her a pull it shot fuel out nicely. Pulled over until bowl was full and it came to life!
Idled until warm, set idle, fine tuned air screw. Revved her up up to differant speeds. No missing, bogs, cut-outs, ran perfect.
Shut it off, 30 minutes later, it wouldnt start, pulled like 50 times, switched to electric start for a minute with no luck. Tried choke on/off, tried full throttle, half throttle, no throttle, NO DICE...
Made sure spark was good.
Took carb back out gave her a soak in the carb cleaner bucket, then re-sprayed it all out with carb cleaner then compressed air. Wouldnt start off course so I gave her a little fuel under spark plug. Fired right up, filled up the bowl, and ran like new. I let it idle for 15 minutes, drove around yard a few times, and it ran like a dream... Finally shut it off, and tried restarting 15 minutes later to make sure it was good. Popped on first pull, died off right away then no start.
Dumped a little fuel under plug, it fires on first pull, runs great, will idle all day. But wil not restart after sitting???
DO I just do the VM carb swap or could it be something else????
sounds like the bowls are draining after sitting for bit. any evidence of fuel leaking? i would more closely inspect the needle valve. did you remove the choke plunger during your cleaning and verify adjustment?
I didnt see any fuel leaks. If that were the case why wouldnt the bowl fill back up and fire engine after pulling it over soooo many times with recoil and estart? The choke plunger was the only thing I didnt remove. But it seems to function like it should. It moves up and down with lever and affects engine as it should???
Maybe I will just run a plunger primer into intake?
sounds like something is loosing prime, be it the fuel pump or the carb bowl, if the choke plunger is properly working.
had a similar issue and it ended up being a combination of both. a draining bowl with no visible signs of leakage along with a plunger that wasnt doing its job. once warm it would start regularly, let it sit and you could pull it over a hundred times and it wouldnt fire unless primed in the cylinder. a new choke cable along with a needle and seat cured the problem for me.
had a similar issue and it ended up being a combination of both. a draining bowl with no visible signs of leakage along with a plunger that wasnt doing its job. once warm it would start regularly, let it sit and you could pull it over a hundred times and it wouldnt fire unless primed in the cylinder. a new choke cable along with a needle and seat cured the problem for me.
Yamaha Nutz
New member
time for a fuel pump or rebuild kit and put a new pulse line on right away too
It was a combination choke system and float height....
Thanks guys...
Thanks guys...

A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Sound like part of the problem are the toilet seats(floats) are hanging up in 'up' position.
That more than likely isn't all of the problem though.
That more than likely isn't all of the problem though.
Starter plunger was out of whack too