New member
Hey guys iv'e been trying to find a decal kit and heat tape for under the cowl on my 02 sx viper, and it seems that they don't sell them anymore? any ideas where i can find a decal kit and some heat tape/ foam or if you know somebody that is selling one? any replies would be greatly appreciated!!
There are some aftermarket viper decals on ebay. Search yamaha viper
U can also get heat tape from slp's website but i would just use the foil tape you can get at any hardware store.
New member
okay thanks for the advise. i will go check and see what they have at lowes tomorrow. but i am not having much luck on ebay, do you have a link you could post?
New member
apparently there's only one hood decal you can't get. Here's a link so you can check it out.
New member
thanks for the links guys, now i just have to decide if i want the stock look or the aftermarket look. lol
If you are talking about the foil tape used in heating/cooling duct sealing, you may find it cheaper @ a heating/cooling contractor warehouse or store. They sell it pretty cheap ($2.20/roll) here: said:U can also get heat tape from slp's website but i would just use the foil tape you can get at any hardware store.
Ya thats what im talking about ^
New member
will this tape be able to withstand the heat of the pipe/engine? sorry if it's a stupid question
Does for me and i have triples
New member
okay thanks