Changing trailing arm mount


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I broke the damned bolt off in my right side trailing arm mount this afternoon taking it off to get it ready to paint so now I'm looking to find the easiest way to fix this.I would say that taking it off is going to be the best way to either drill it out or heat it and use an easy out to get the remainder of the bolt out.What I want to kniow is how much stuff am I going to have to take off to get at everything?Will I need to take the right side bellypan off or can I do this with it in place?Plus what size rivets do I need?They look like 1/4 inch,I guess I should have looked everything over better before I packed up and called it a day.The sled is at my cousins where I stored it for the summer which is about 5 miles away so I don't have the luxury of going out to my shed here and looking it over.

I had to take mine out after cutting into it on my running board mod. Did not take anything off. I did all the rivets out of the bottom of the pan and the hood latch bolt. Then i had enough room to get in there. You will have to drill the rivets out from the top and another 7ish on bottom. You will need to order the 1/4 rivits from a dealer, got mine from port yamaha. Just tell them you need the 1/4 x 1" structural rivets for trailing arm bracket and they will hook you up. The rest i used the rivet the stock yamaha double pull ones you can get from ding (member here) or even OFT. A aftermarket parts store and site sponsor also. I also removed the rivets from just the front of the foot rest to pry that up a bit to get at the rivet heads with a chisle and pop the head off. When reinstalling you will have to drill out a few of the footrest holes just a tad to fit a couple of those 1/4 rivets. Not a bad job at all.
Holy snappin I was just looking at the parts fische and there's like 18 rivets per side and they appear to be two different sizes,different part numbers anyway.With that many holes in the bracket it's a wonder it has any strength lol.
Is there any of the bolt sticking out? Flush? Broken of inside? I have had amazing results with a welder. If its flush or just a little inside get a large flat washer, center it over broken bolt and fill in the hole in the washer with welder. Get a 5/8-11/16 nut and weld to washer. If theres a lil sticking out find a nut a hair bigger around than bolt. Hold bolt in place and weld inside the nut. The heat from the welder will work wonders on setting that bolt free!
Devilin AblueDress! said:
Is there any of the bolt sticking out? Flush? Broken of inside? I have had amazing results with a welder. If its flush or just a little inside get a large flat washer, center it over broken bolt and fill in the hole in the washer with welder. Get a 5/8-11/16 nut and weld to washer. If theres a lil sticking out find a nut a hair bigger around than bolt. Hold bolt in place and weld inside the nut. The heat from the welder will work wonders on setting that bolt free!
I've done this before and will try it this time too,my biggest concern is how much peripheral stuff I'm going to have to remove so I can get this mount off.
