New member
my dads has a 03 viper and last year and now this yr it dont want to use the choke to start like it wont fire up unless the choke is off and whenn it starts flip the choke halfway twice and thats it. anyone hear of this before?
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Tite cable possibly??????
New member
????????? What is the choke rod on the carb rack doing when you move the choke lever? Is it moving?? Strange.......
Like Couple of bucks said, check the cable tightness.
Like Couple of bucks said, check the cable tightness.

first take a peek in there and see if the choke plungers are all synchronized or did the set screws loosen and maybe 1 or 2 plungers are working..Anyways that is the first thing to check if all plungers are moving at the same time and second is to adjust the cable to spec play,making sure the choke plungers are closed when choke flipper is in off position.Very simple procedure really..let us know what you find.
New member
The Plungers Are Dropping All The Way Back When Released Didnt Check Set Screws
New member
So Would It B The Set Screws Then?