"You do not have permission"


Aug 24, 2012
Saratoga County, NY
I tried to "Post Reply" to this post: "98-00 SRX Trailing arms Custom built!" and get this:
yournytech, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

I was just going to request he post some pics! I tried it several times; same result.
X 2... I just wanted to see the "miracle" trailing arms of the future! That way my sled would never suffer from similar malfunctions, as I ride on my ocean-front winter wonderland outside of Effingham, IL!
I'm sorry. That was uncalled for... They may be legit. I'm not currently in the market, just easily occupied by pictures...
staggs65 said:
Nobody can reply in the free 7 day classifieds. all replies must be by pm and you are on your own with bad deals. No extra support from the site.
Thanks for the info. I couldn't do my homework while surfing at work; wouldn't want to get caught...
chilli said:
this just happened to me too. I tried to click "new thread" and i get that message. Account holder since 2005...LOL

We are going on the 2nd year for VIPs to have the only access to classifieds so you are not that active of a member?? If you want to post for free, you have the 7 day classifieds... go to those forums and you will see how it works.
whoa..... easy there trigger

The LOL is in reference to me not knowing about that rule and ive been on here for so long

With hasty harsh responses like yours, maybe its time for me to re-consider this "community" i love telling everyone about....
chilli said:
whoa..... easy there trigger

The LOL is in reference to me not knowing about that rule and ive been on here for so long

With hasty harsh responses like yours, maybe its time for me to re-consider this "community" i love telling everyone about....

Well do you blame me?? I dont know you... how do I know you are joking...I try to keep the place running and I get a pile of grief because of rule changes....it trips my trigger that there can be so many that feel that I am just trying to make money off them... obviously they do not know me very well....if you need to leave because you find my comment offensive... so be it.

I am hear to try and help Yamaha owners take care of their sled and I will not take the indirect jabs at the site lightly.
