Ideas to protect Dash (Rip cord damage)


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Wondering if anyone has come up with an idea to prevent the rip cord from cutting into the dash. Just replaced my old dash and dont want the new one to do the same.

I've been trying to come up with a way to cover up the marks in mine from the starter cord too but haven't found a good solution yet.If you come up with something be sure and post it.
Take a picture of the area... I dont have my sled onhand to look at... Have an idea just want to double check and make sure of my idea.
what about taking a small peice of aluminum and make a surround of the opening, you could roll the edge over the inside of the hole and make tabs on it to fold over behind the plastic to hold in place.
Had a similar idea Don. Also have another high tech idea just need to see how to design it so it doesnt look gaudy.
Get off the sled grab handle with left hand and pull the rope straight. It is when you sit on the sled and pull the rope across the tank is when the damage occurs.
