99 SRX thats really a 98?

^ My thoughts exactly! Just kept going on how FAST it is, Telling me its faster than anything around.....Then I told him I currently have 01,00,99 700's and a 98 600. Supposed to get ahold of him later this week to see the 99 paperwork for myself.
yep , its a 98 sled but with only 1800 miles and the price of $1800 who cares, nothing but a color change for 98-99 mostly anyways. Looks like a pretty good deal to me.
rangermike14 said:
What exactly was custom built on that? Looks like a stock 1998 SRX to me...The plate with his name engraved is custom!
Agreed. My engine is stock and "looks" better than that! But "looks" don't equal custom :-(
