Yamaha Nutz
New member
just wonder why there are no thunder shift or heavy hitter clutch set ups in the tunning section do you guys not like them ..............i have run the tsk hh in my sled for yeats and found them to great weights not just non my trail sleds but also my race sleds too ............just something i thought i would ask ........and it any one wants some good set ups for various yamis just ask yamaha or polais primary 

I love HH's too. not a lot of other guys using them here but I've had good results with them.
I've also had very good results with them.I shared set ups with many members but never put a set up in the tuning section.
I have always used only Thunder shift or HH weights on my Yamaha sleds since they have been available.
i use heavy hitters on my 00 srx 700.