New member
Just bought a 2002 Viper, but thinking about picking up a second. My 2002 has 3000 miles and is way cleaner than this 2004 one with just 540miles.
Guy will take $2800 with parts or $2400 stock.
He said the rust is just from normal riding and it was stored in an inclosed trailer.
Looks a little rough for 600 miles.
Handlebar pad looks sketchy
Rust and hood doesnt look like its seated right.
Let me know your Opinions....
Just bought a 2002 Viper, but thinking about picking up a second. My 2002 has 3000 miles and is way cleaner than this 2004 one with just 540miles.
Guy will take $2800 with parts or $2400 stock.
He said the rust is just from normal riding and it was stored in an inclosed trailer.
Looks a little rough for 600 miles.
Handlebar pad looks sketchy
Rust and hood doesnt look like its seated right.
Let me know your Opinions....
New member
This sled is still 8 years old, which would explain the rust. Bigger question is, how well did he "summerize" it? That thing has done alot of sitting...but the price is good if he did take care of it. Pictures can be deceiving, I would look at it in person. It could be better or worse. Handebar pad does look too small. Did he move the grips/switches? Change handlebars? Pad off of a different yamaha? I have heard horror stories about keeping sleds in a trailer in the off season, but then again, alot of guys do this without issue. I bought my Viper from a guy that did the same and it has 8700 miles on it. I heard the stories after I bought it.
New member
I would be concerned that the skis have some rust by the saddles and the pipes/springs have some rust and the shock covers look faded? The only way they would get faded is to sit outside in the sun...I would also look in person. Pictures have a way of making things look nicer than they are. You could look in person and still offer less. What a person says they will take and what they say when there is cash in front of them is two different things. Cash talks! You can always walk away. Good luck! Let us know what you decide.
New member
The shock covers were also a concern, due to the fading.
The 2002 Viper I have has no such rust either.
The thing that makes it hard is that its an 8-10 hours drive.....1 way. So we are looking at $ 200-300 in gas to just take a look if I don't buy it.
And that gas money adds to the price. Not to mention the 16-20 hrs of driving.
The shock covers were also a concern, due to the fading.
The 2002 Viper I have has no such rust either.
The thing that makes it hard is that its an 8-10 hours drive.....1 way. So we are looking at $ 200-300 in gas to just take a look if I don't buy it.
And that gas money adds to the price. Not to mention the 16-20 hrs of driving.
New member
I would pass I think. Your looking at $3100 with mods and gas. I think you could find something for less that is just as nice. Just my opinion. Would suck to drive all the way there and it to be beat up or not so nice. I have done that before!
Looks like mice were at the foam on the airbox
looks like a stock head
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
What's the track look like? Noticed there weren't any pictures in the ad.
New member
He sent me picture of the track. It's in really good shape, but has 200+ studs. So the rubber probably never touched the ground. But how much damage can you do in 540 miles.
He said his uncle had it for a long time then he ran some ice drags. Maybe low mileage because it was raced???
He sent me picture of the track. It's in really good shape, but has 200+ studs. So the rubber probably never touched the ground. But how much damage can you do in 540 miles.
He said his uncle had it for a long time then he ran some ice drags. Maybe low mileage because it was raced???
I'd take 2k with me and kick em in the ding ding. Tell him to make it stock. I got my viper S that is a million times cleaner than that unit there for less than what that moe is offering. IMHO
for shure it sat out under a cover for the skis to look like that. bar pad can get like that from how the cover sits on it sometimes. might not be the origonal hood and gauge on it as the headlight mask is missing. might have taken a tumble and the guy put a used hood and new cluster on it, rode it and discovered it was tweaked and put it up for sale.
New member
There must be a story behind that one. Like Maim said it looks like parts have been replaced, windshield is broken on left side too. It must have sat outside for it to look like that, the skies must have been full of water to get that rusty. The pad does not meet up with the throttle block right either, from wrong year or model.
I would almost guarentee a new guage cluster was put on.....
it looks like 580 very hard miles the winshield is broke the mice have been at the air box idk i wouldnt go that much
That looks like a $1,750.00 sled. That is wholsale price. Looks rough to me. Remember you are going to have to regrease every idler wheel, drive shaft brgs. new belt, new skegs, clean all carbs, change chain case oil, and I would recommend changing the seat to a BOSS seat. Good luck Al
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I'm not saying it doesn't have value, but not $2400 worth. I'd go $1900 not not a friggin penny more. Cause by the looks of that thing, somebody didn't didn't give a sh!t about it. Kinda frankensteinish lookin.
New member
My thoughts exactly. The lowest mileage viper I have come across and likely the poorest condition as well. My hopes were to get it at a low price and drop a couple hundred to make it a mint 540 mile viper. But I don't know if that's possible at this point.
My thoughts exactly. The lowest mileage viper I have come across and likely the poorest condition as well. My hopes were to get it at a low price and drop a couple hundred to make it a mint 540 mile viper. But I don't know if that's possible at this point.
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New member
It could be mint very easily cosmetically speaking. Cash is king. If you decide to make the drive, you could ask him about what you see & talk him down more. Like Couple of Bucks said, take $1900 tops with you. Green changes peoples minds, especially if their hasn't been alot of calls on it. BUT, ask him about the airbox foam and why its chewed. If mice have been pi$$in on that thing and it gets down in the carbs & cases, PASS!
New member
I asked him about the rust a few days ago and said it must have been outside. Guy got all defensive and said it was stored in an inclosed trailer and the rust is from being ridden and that the sled only has 540 miles.
"I bought if from a dealer with 100 miles, rode it a few times in Maine, and sold it to my uncle who ice dragged it a couple times, then bought it back."
I asked him about the rust a few days ago and said it must have been outside. Guy got all defensive and said it was stored in an inclosed trailer and the rust is from being ridden and that the sled only has 540 miles.
"I bought if from a dealer with 100 miles, rode it a few times in Maine, and sold it to my uncle who ice dragged it a couple times, then bought it back."