Viper Electric Start Clarifications


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Nova Scotia Canada
ok so here goes.....

installing an electric start on my 2004 viperS. I have reviewed the installation instructions in the tech section and read many posts relating to electric start installation.

I bellieve the electric start "kit" i have to be from a 2002 viper. it contains all major components with exception of the fuse block and a couple wring harnesses. i have checked with my local Yamaha dealer and i can purchase all missing parts to make a complete factory electric start kit (awesome).

perhaps the following questions are a matter of over thinking a task which is yet to be completed, making something simple difficult. lol

1. where am i supposed to mount the fuse block
2. dumb *** question, but what charges the battery?

next 2 questions refer to installation instructions page 6-29.

3. instruction #4 - pull out the lead connector for the starter relay and then connect to the starter relay.

What? is this to say the existing factory wiring harness is already equipped with a connector for the starter relay and all i have to do is connect it?

4. instruction #5 - Remove the wire coupler cap and connect the sub-lead which connects to the relay.


any advice or guidance on this matter is greatly appreciated. my right arm will thank you for it.

I just installed one on my viper s as well. The wiring is all on the right side by the footwell. I bought a fuse box myself (I'm not resourceful like Chris) and you just plug it inline with the plugs and it mounts on the backside of the footwell. There are two holes there if you get the bracket for it. There is a lead wire for a viper on eBay NOS from a guy named cfisch. He's super fast and the prices are decent for NOS parts. I think I might have a NOS fuse box in the tool box if you need it. Keep us posted. I went the plug and play route and Chris can hook you up with schematics if you decide to go a less expensive route. :)
