How much is 2002 Viper worth?


New member
Jan 6, 2012
Byron Center, Michigan
How much is a beat up 2002 viper ER worth with 9,000 miles and a rip in the seat and some cracks in the hood but runs like new? Bone stock with new top end? Just curious what I could sell it for. Has great track and stuff. Just has a rip in seat and cracks in hood. I little dirty too.
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Pics would help. $1500-1700ish is the highest I would pay. I paid $2k for my 04' with 8600 miles in excellent shape & new top end.
rip in the seats $100 for new one(kimpex)saddleman,look it over real good,i thought mine was decent and found little things that cost me after.get under and look at it,shocks beat ?track good? idler wheels?w frame broke?lift the skis-keels good? is there carbide left?lift the back end fire it up and let it idle for about ten minuets,look for warning lights on the dash and rev it up with the hood up-look for engine twist when the clutch kicks in,listen for noises off the back end when the track spins,i paid 1700 for mine put another 1300 into it but shes new bottom to top-showroom. only thing i dident touch was takeing off the bellpan and gas tank other than that its been touched -gone through,replaced reconditioned or new!anything you think it might need take it off the price!!!and in my area a cowl $200 for a good used one!!! jmo~smoke :2strokes:
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I have bought a handful of SRX's over the past few years that had a lot less miles. They were run hard and put away wet . Paid between the $600 - $800 range for them..
