my new toy!


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
Hello everybody! Im new to the forum and picked up the new toy yesterday.
It needs a bit of work, hopefully not much. If it were to snow right now i could easily go for a nice ride, as it does run. Just need some fine tuning i guess. This will be my first sled, but not the first time on one. My younger brother has the exact same sled, (he got his first) and after doin 160km across the lake sittin on the back of that demon....well, i was instantly hooked! And had to get one of these. Test drove it at the sellers property, and i gotta say i've never in my life felt power like that! Its a 2000. supposedly all my pictures are too big, wont let me upload. how small do i have to make these pics? :o|
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oh ya, they will keep up with traffic. Do some searching to know what to look out for, powervalves,settings, clean carbs etc. do all that and it will never leave you and keep a constant smile on your face. Once you get used to it,... believe it or not,. if its bone stock you can make it even faster with some clutch work!
i think its all stock, i think somebody hit a tree or something with it though. steering is a little off, but an easy fix and a few other small problems that i know of
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ive always used window gallery. Just use edit and select "small". Uploads them fine and when a member clicks on image it goes to full size. Welcome to the site!
Welcome! Lots of great info here, and members are always willing to help out. Enjoy your new SRX.
thanks guys! i'll give it another try, its never been this hard to upload before. Usually its pretty straight forward.
john7459 said:
Fergus! Hope to see you at the races on Simcoe.

hahaha, that's if this weather co-operates. weather network is calling for a bunch of rain this weekend with highs of 9-13 next week! there goes all the snow on the ground. I can definitely see another year like last year. #$%&*
