Penetrating oil ideas


VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
syracuse indiana
For All of you Mechanic's and Self doer’s out there.
Penetrating Oil - interesting
This was in one of the Military Vehicle Club newsletters

Here is an interesting article addressing 'Penetrating Oils'. Recently “Machinist Workshop Magazine” did a test on penetrating oils. Using nuts and bolts that they ‘scientifically rusted’ to a uniform degree by soaking in salt water, they then tested the break-out torque required to loosen the nuts. They treated the nuts with a variety of penetrants and measured the torque required to loosen them.
This is what they came up with:
Nothing: 516 lbs
WD-40: 238 lbs;
PB Blaster: 214 lbs;
Liquid Wrench: 127 lbs,
Kano Kroil: 106 lbs
(ATF)/Acetone mix (50/50): 50 lbs.

This last “shop brew” of 50% automatic transmission fluid and 50% acetone appears to beat out the commercially prepared products costing far more.
I hope this helps someone else. Keep up the snow dance!

Funny thing , when i first read the thread title,fist thing that came to mind was Transmision fluid. Not sure why, but seems like years age(probably 25) someone told me it works great as a penatrent
ill try that but AeroKroil is a miracle worker and we trust it to losten turbine area bolts and nuts on jet engines all the time.
kroil user here too in the piping field. as far as commercial products I've always sworn by it, and apparently your findings concur (commercially available at least). interesting findings.
I too use Kroil. The best I've used. But it does look and smell alot like tranny fluid now that the transmition fluid topic was brought up. Makes ya want to say huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm.
Been using Kroil for almost 30 yrs. Readily available and much safer than any concoction with acetone in it. Not saying you're going to have a fire or explosion using it, but I would'nt use it in my garage. I use a small propane space heater in the winter and I'm paranoid even having fuel in the garage. Just my 5 cents worth.
I'll add this: we had a shutdown a few weeks back where we needed to break some sodium chlorate lines (you can look up sodium chlorate yourself but basically: sparkproof wrenches=nuff said) and kroil wouldnt touch the bolts and we had soaked them daily for a week. we ended up using this stuff (cant remember the name) in an aerosol can that froze the bolts and cold shocked them loose. that stuff worked unbelievably well.
