

New member
Feb 12, 2012
So just got done on my complete rebuild including crank.
I started it up today no problem but when revving it will backfire. There is new plugs on it also fresh gas and yes carbs were all cleaned, could it be a power valve adjustment? Also just noticed when i gun it it bogs.
Maybe I should have let someone else do this. My first rebuild :o|

Stator out of position? I remember I could adjust timing on my old Skidoo, never tore into these vipers.
killerklown said:
Stator out of position? I remember I could adjust timing on my old Skidoo, never tore into these vipers.
I'm confused doesn't the key way keep it in the correct position?
Does it burp and sputter? Rebuilt my dads viper last year and got it running with the track up in the air. left it over night and came back the next night to find the whole motor full of gas. bad fuel pump. changed it out and no problems since...
Most 2strokes have a timing mark on the stator base and you can advance or retard them by rotating the base plate, I think that is what he is referring to on your timing. Also did you go through your carbs? Maybe you have a plugged pilot or you need to turn the fuel screw out a little more. Most backfires are caused by a lean condition.
