Cleaned the carbs...twice. This is an 05 Viper Mtn. Sled idles like crap then eventually dies. Set at stock specs, fuel screw at 1 7/8. Before you say set the idle up, that's not the issue.
Could the reeds be causing this, I forgot to check them? Need new spark plugs? All 3 plugs are brown like they should be. Seems to run good up top.
Who knows maybe pilots aren't quite clean, could see through them just fine. Powervalves cleaned as well. Even pulled the floats for the first time and made sure screens were clean. Just looking for other ideas.
Could the reeds be causing this, I forgot to check them? Need new spark plugs? All 3 plugs are brown like they should be. Seems to run good up top.
Who knows maybe pilots aren't quite clean, could see through them just fine. Powervalves cleaned as well. Even pulled the floats for the first time and made sure screens were clean. Just looking for other ideas.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Old or fresh fuel? Going to think out loud so to speak. If it was the reeds doesnt seem like it would "run good up top". If fuel is fresh/good quality I would suspect pilots, even though you just cleaned them......twice. They may have ben clean both times and had a little crap in the line plug them right back up.
Devilin AblueDress! said:Old or fresh fuel? Going to think out loud so to speak. If it was the reeds doesnt seem like it would "run good up top". If fuel is fresh/good quality I would suspect pilots, even though you just cleaned them......twice. They may have ben clean both times and had a little crap in the line plug them right back up.
Thank you for the thoughts.
It's last years fuel, but that has never mattered before. And yup I wasn't too sure on the reeds because I know what they do to the top rpms when they aren't any good just didn't know about the bottom end. Very true on it plugging my pilots again.
Planning to take them apart again tomorrow, just looking for any other possible ideas. Pulls all rpm's just like it should. I'm guessing I have a pilot dirty or partially plugged still. Probably try different plugs as well.
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Last years fuel could be plugging up your pilots. Drain fuel, replace with fresh, take carbs apart and clean them again (especially pilots). Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 times as there still could be crud in the fuel system. Especially when you have last years fuel still in the tank.
Will it idle with the choke on??
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Good question....cant beleive I didnt think of that! Usually with dirty pilots will idle near normal @ half choke then die when you unchoke it.Mysledblows said:Will it idle with the choke on??

Super Moderator
SRX_700 said:Last years fuel could be plugging up your pilots. Drain fuel, replace with fresh, take carbs apart and clean them again (especially pilots). Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 times as there still could be crud in the fuel system. Especially when you have last years fuel still in the tank.
The fuel keeps getting worse and worse. I found that my carbs were worse this fall then ive ever seen. The fuel sucks no matter where you are! Need to keep it fresh.

why aren't you draining your tank in the Spring and running the carbs dry..while doing fogging.I have shut off valves on my sleds,shut the lever off on them and then I run the motor on whats left in the carbs while spraying fogging oil into all 3 carbs.My carbs are spotless in the fall when I checked my carbs.Got to be that old gas screwing you up there.
I get a little crazy with it. I stabilize my fuel, then fog the engine, then siphon all the fuel out of the tank, unhook the gas lines, pull it over to empty the lines and pump, drain carbs, and let it all dry out for a day or two. Then I clean the carbs, oil the top end, (bla bla bla) before it all goes back together. I have to do all of that either way. I might as well do it right the first time.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Plenty of threads about summerizing the sleds. With the EL-CRAPO fuel around here I get a little worried if its ben in the tank for more than a couple weeks.....IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER!
Adding octane booster at the pump to counter act the "is this the tank of $4+ a gallon gas thats gonna burn my sled down' feeling. I would gladly pay double for fuel I knew was good qaulity!

SXlover said:Cleaned the carbs...twice. This is an 05 Viper Mtn. Sled idles like crap then eventually dies. Set at stock specs, fuel screw at 1 7/8. Before you say set the idle up, that's not the issue.
Could the reeds be causing this, I forgot to check them? Need new spark plugs? All 3 plugs are brown like they should be. Seems to run good up top.
Who knows maybe pilots aren't quite clean, could see through them just fine. Powervalves cleaned as well. Even pulled the floats for the first time and made sure screens were clean. Just looking for other ideas.
did you take brake clean or carb cleaner and with the pilot jet removed, spray the cleaner up thru the circuit where the pilot jet screws into the carb and it comes out the little orfice in the front throat of the carb? if not, that circuit has that jelly stuff in it.
First of all thank you to everyone for all your replys.
To answer your question mrviper, yes I have. I'm guessing I plugged a pilot jet up again. Out of the probably 15 carbs I go through every year before season even starts, this is the first it's taken me more than once. I'll tear back into it.
mrviper700 said:did you take brake clean or carb cleaner and with the pilot jet removed, spray the cleaner up thru the circuit where the pilot jet screws into the carb and it comes out the little orfice in the front throat of the carb? if not, that circuit has that jelly stuff in it.
To answer your question mrviper, yes I have. I'm guessing I plugged a pilot jet up again. Out of the probably 15 carbs I go through every year before season even starts, this is the first it's taken me more than once. I'll tear back into it.
Have you drained all the fuel out of the tank and replace it with fresh fuel? You probably still have old fuel in fuel pump that will go into your carbs again after cleaning them.

I had an similar issue with my sled two years ago and cleaned the carbs so many times I could have done it dead drunk while sleeping. It ended up being the vacuum hose that goes to my fuel pump. it had rubbed throgh and at low RPM it wasn't activing the pump enough to keep it running.
New member
i had a similar situation after a carb cleaning, and it turns out i misrouted the choke cable and was causing the choke plunger to stay wide open..... would start then sputter/choke/cough like crazy then eventually die.
Cleaned them again, even put a different set of pilots in the carbs, checked the reeds, cleaned up the plugs a bit with carb cleaner, drained old gas and put in fresh.
It's back running like it should, well was, it's put away again with mid 40s all week the snow will be all gone.
Third time is a charm I guess.
Thank you everyone for the replys.
It's back running like it should, well was, it's put away again with mid 40s all week the snow will be all gone.
Third time is a charm I guess.
Thank you everyone for the replys.

good to hear,just don't let the gas sit in the tank to long if it isn't high grade fuel,otherwise you will be cleaning them a few more times.I just cleaned my carbs on my 600.they were spotless still from last season..but still checked them over
Usually I've been able to clean carbs and run the fuel in the tank from last year with no issues. I figured I'd drain this one because I don't want to do it again lol. First tank I've ever drained and refilled with fresh at the beginning of the season.
And yes just like you I always check the carbs over even if it runs well. My SX 700 was just like your 600, carbs spotless.
And yes just like you I always check the carbs over even if it runs well. My SX 700 was just like your 600, carbs spotless.