swaybar plate rivets

you can leave one on and pry the bracket back. pull out the bottom spacer then the top. you will want to unbolt the lower shock on one side, then lift the trailing arm up or down to give you room to twist that thing out. If you want, a sharp flat sided chisle and a quick hard blow with a large hammer, will cut the head of the last one off.
like betheviper said.When I did change my bushings I left one rivet on and twisted the plate back to remove and replace.I did this on one sled but not the other.Found out it really was not worth the effort to do the other..found that even the new bushings still have to much slop in them and I really didn't accomplish anything.. :o|
Sorry boys I guess I didn't word that very well but I already have the plates off I'm looking at the best way to bet that hidden one back in after I re install the sway bar.The SRX I bought doesn't have one and someone gave a sway bar I just need to get the miserable plates riveted back on lol.
