? about throttle cable


Sep 15, 2009
Jefferson, WI
so I posted a while ago that I was taking off my 2" handlebar riser an putting on a rox adjustable one. I already put on a mountain viper throttle cable an even with that extra length when mocking the riser up to my handlebars there still seems like there isnt enough slack in the cables. wasnt there some trick to re routing the throttle cable to get some extra slack? But not sure how thats done cause the throttle cable has that little elbowto get around the airbox. Anyone have any ideas?

Turn it straight towards the handlebars, run it in the gap in your air box under the mesh filter. Pull the filter off and it will make sense. Run your throttle, and oil cables thru.( if your make/model has an oil cable).it makes getting the air box off a little more work, but worth it for the riser.
maxco said:
Turn it straight towards the handlebars, run it in the gap in your air box under the mesh filter. Pull the filter off and it will make sense. Run your throttle, and oil cables thru.( if your make/model has an oil cable).it makes getting the air box off a little more work, but worth it for the riser.

This is similar to the "factory" placement on the 98-99 srx's before yamaha routed them around air box
ah ok ya I was trying to picture it in my head but after reading these responses I now understand. I was also wondering that like throttle cable, the oil an brake cable are probably only good enough for a 3" riser? I was looking through dennis kirk an saw some longer oil and brake cables but were only listed for yammi 4 strokes an vipers/ mountain viper which should work correct?
ok so right now I have the filter off my airbox and I see what u mean when u say turn the elbow vertical, but I'm guessing I have to disconnect the cable from the carb first in order to do that?
anyone got any suggestions? I just dont see how with the throttle cable attached to the carb that your supposed to tweak the metal elbow to get it more vertical, I have tried and it bent a little bit where it screws in on top of the carb where you adjust tension in your throttle cable. Im worried now that I screwed something up with that hopefully not. I just cant seem to move that elbow in a different direction, any ideas?
Probably have to take the cable off. Then slip a couple of wrenches on there and start bending the elbow towards vertical. Shouldn't be too tough to get it the way you need so that you can run them through the box. Or take it all the way off and hit it with a hammer a few time to get it the way you want.
Make sure you take the cable off the carbs before trying to bend it, the threads in that bracket will strip out very easy. Also if you are using the mountain viper cable there will be no 90 deg bend, it will come straight up and can go through the airbox.
alright ya that makes sense,I know before last winter I was gonna change the cables but ill have to look an see if the other cable is another stock srx one or the longer mountain viper cable. So either way im gonna have to take this cable out, but now im wondering if where the cable screws in if it is stripped out a little, what do I do then, do I have to replace that piece all together? im hoping this isnt screwed up to bad :o|
so after looking at the cable I have in now it appears to be the stock srx cable like musselman had stated. so gotta find my viper cable now, but without looking at a microfiche if where the throttle cable screws in to the carb if it is stripped even a little, will it still be ok to use? or do I have to purchase that piece? Anyone got any ideas, not sure what to do now?
i had a cable made by a guy in florida ...no jerkin around or cable extenders....turned out perfect
If the bracket on the carbs is stripped out try putting a not on the bottom side of the bracket so the two nuts pinch the bracket. You'll have to cut a slot through one flat on the not for the cable to go through.
my plate was a little screwed up as well on my SRX..Simply squeeze the plate together a tad with pliers..this will close the gap slightly which I just got a thin file in there and made sure gap was big enough for cable to go through.Then I found the tap size for the threads and re tapped the opening.I just bought a new throttle cable because the old one had hacked threads.Now it screws in very snug again like original..
ya I saw your post earlier today you def know your way around these sleds blue! my buddy is a small engine mechanic an thought this was a great idea. so this week Im gonna try this out an hope mine aint too far gone for repair lol now since my adjustable riser is 3-5" Im not too thrilled about tilting the motor just to chamge out oil pump cable. Its carzy how short these stock cables are on srxs compared to my buddies kid's f6, he had a decent sized riser on an still had plenty of slack in all the cables!
you can't just buy that plate from Yamaha.Only way to get one is from someone who sells parts and can strip that piece off a carb set.I was going to try and weld a nut on the plate with same thread size,but the method I used worked well.Good luck.Yeah I think Yamaha could of made the cable longer.I find it very snug to slide it around the air box..it just makes it around with some forcing it ..crap design .I know on my stepsons 98 xtc the cable can go thru the top of the air box under filter in the channel there.Can't do that on the |SRX air box.
ya I know on my 98 srx I didnt have to route the throttle cable through the airbox it was alot easier, wish they hadnt changed that on 00-02's. I had been searching for that piece an finally found a nice member who has this piece from a parts sled looks like I got lucky lol
greenskyadventures.com is the place that made my cable 352-475-5625 perfect job with fast turnaround
