New member
It looks like the bolts from the puller got into one of the windings. It took the insulation off part of the wire. The winding is only flattened slightly in that one spot. Do you guys see a problem with adding some epoxy over this area?

Do an ohm's test and if within range, seal it up and run it. Al
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Will only cost you your time...and some blue loc tite to know for sure. If it wont start you know why! If it was mine I wouldnt hesitat to seal it and put it back together. I bought a 99 srx with the power valve servo fault code flashing. Sled ran good, after inspecting every inch of harness for rub threw and finding nothing even suspicous I pulled the recoil/flywheel.........HOLY CARNAGE! One of the pick up bolts had fallen out and rattled around in the beating the ever loving crap out of the stator. Out side 50%+ was DESTROYED.....and it ran!
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
Dug up the link for pic...still surprises me!
New member
Holy S! I cant believe that still ran!! I bet your reaction after pulling the flywheel was priceless!Devilin AblueDress! said:Dug up the link for pic...still surprises me!
New member
I forgot about an Ohms test. Thanks Al
New member
i did the same thing to my stator..... was so mad at myself!! mine "looks" like I could re-run it....but I figured better safe than sorry, so I upgraded to smaller stator and flywheel (mines a 99)
you might be ok
, as suggested ohm check it and see, try it..........

New member
i bet it works. seal with liquid electrical tape if you have any.
New member
The stator reads .7 Ohms across all three circuits. A link in a "stator testing" thread shows a voltage spec of (.36-.80). This was for 6-700 300W system. My PDF file for the viper says .36-.44 Ohms at 68* F. What one is the correct spec?
The link: http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmob...voltagespec.pdf
The link: http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmob...voltagespec.pdf