We just finished installing 162 1.375 studs in the Viper. We also swapped out the 9 tooth drivers for 8 tooth. We installed the rear heat exchanger protectors at the same time. The front exchanger was OEM. The studs are from Snow stud's.com We have used studs from Johnmaster's on many sleds with great wear and reliability. These are the longest studs I have ever installed. Total measured length is 1 5/8" from flange to tip. This stud size gives a 3/8'' penetration on a 1.25" track. I will post some photos once we get some taken. Al
only thing is, 8 tooth drivers eat up performance like a old big block chevy drinks gas.... They really will drag down the topend,but... you might not do that kind of riding on longer fields,lakes,groomed trails above average speeds.
Yep, alot of boon docking, two tracks. Not interested in lake runs, kindof boring to us. Oh, all mountain Vipers have 8 lug drivers. Al