New member
Wanted to share this as it may help someone else with same issue. I recently pulled my sled into the garage to get it going for the year. I took the pipes off to clear a stupid mouse nest and low and behold I noticed coolant coming from the clutch side pipe. I was worried it may be a cracked cylinder or leaking water pump seal but after removing the head the problem was obvious. The head gaskets were worn out and there was quite a bit of oxidisation or crud built up on the head and cylinder. I just cleaned out the gasket slots and cleaned the head up and slapped it back together. So far so good I will be keeping an I on my water level but Im confident I found the culprit. Just thought Id share. If your loosing coolant and dont see any leaks it may be a good thing to check your head gaskets. 

Devilin AblueDress!
New member
I had similar issue with center cylinder. Notices a very small (8-12 drops) amount in the indentation on top of PV housing. Grabbed a paper towel soaked it up. Every day it got up around 100 degrees outside (sled stored in 4 place haulmark trailer) it would reproduce. Picked up gaskets and peeled all 3 heads off. This sled was new to me and wanted to get a good look inside any ways. Bolts didnt seem to be as tight as I thought they should have ben. Everything looked fine, Put it all back together and hasnt reproduced yet...havent fired it up either so I will be keeping an eye on it for sure.
My PTO cylinder Power Valve had a milky oil residue on it. Took the head off and one of the o-rings was not sitting in the groove properly. Replaced o-ring, put it back together and it was fine after that. $6.00 fix.
New member
Yeah for me the outter black o-ring was really flat but I think more of the problem was corrosion on the head mounting surface and in the o-ring groove.
New member
I would reccommend changing the engine coolant every other season. The engine coolant has corrosion inhibitors in it that degrade over time and heat cycles. It does not last forever, it is cheap insurance to change it at least every other season. Also, when I store my sleds for the summer, I coat the aluminum parts with WD40 to keep them from oxidizing. In the fall I give the sled a good washing and we are ready to go. It is amazing how fast the bare aluminum will oxidize especially stored in an enclosed trailer outside during the hot humid months.