I didnt get any replys from my previous post, so I went to port yamahas website to try and find the part number of that piece that the throttle cable screws into the carb but couldnt find it. Ive been running around trying to get my sled ready and now have this new obstacle. I put my new mountain viper throttle in my sled and I got it screwed into that piece but it moves around quite a bit so I think it is stripped. can anyone help me identify this part?? 

can't you just put a nut above and below the piece and lock the cable in place? Don't know how easy it would be to get a new one if you didn't want to do that, theres probably guys here who would have a parts carb rack kicking around that they could rob one off of. Should post a wanted ad for one.
Post a picture so we can see the part. Im sure someone has one...
sasksrx thanks for the quick reply I actually never thought of that I just screwed it in and tightened it pretty good but it moves around quite a bit, also I thought that once you change cables wasnt there a certain amount of adjustment that is needed?
Once you've got your freeplay set you don't have to adjust it anymore, just lock it in place and you're good to go. Im not by my sled right now but Im sure theres enough room above and below the bracket to get nuts on both sides of it
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
If theres not room for one above and below to could put an extra one on to replace stripped threads then use JB weld or an actual welder to attach it to the bracket.
ok I think your correct Im gonna try and look today or tomorrow but I think I do have enough room for the bolts. Sorry cant make this easier with a picture not sure how to post pics yet lol
Active member
You will have to cut a slot in the nut for the cable to pass through though, the bottom of the cable is too fat to fit through nut.
New member
I have that piece if you need it pay for shipping and you own it

thats what I did. works fine. to get the cable end through the nut you have to remove the plastic bushing and fold the cable 90* to the cable end. it's tight but it goes through.sasksrx said:can't you just put a nut above and below the piece and lock the cable in place? Don't know how easy it would be to get a new one if you didn't want to do that, theres probably guys here who would have a parts carb rack kicking around that they could rob one off of. Should post a wanted ad for one.
I had the same issue last year and got one of these brackets from Viperking but as the other guys have said if your handy with a mig welder or know someone that is you could cut a slot in a good nut and weld it on,the underside,so you still have the adjustability.
I checked every parts fische I came across and never found that bracket listed on it's own so I would assume it's not available unless you buy the centre carb new.
I checked every parts fische I came across and never found that bracket listed on it's own so I would assume it's not available unless you buy the centre carb new.
fourbarrel thats what I was thinking I looked all over and could not for the life of me find that part in any parts finder. Im not really sure when u guys talk about this plastic bushing? I threaded the throttle cable into the carb rack an not sure how much thread has to be shown from the bottom side of this piece for the correct amount of play, plus it moves around quite a bit while in place?
99srxracer yea that would be awesome I will take that piece but I do not have paypal. I appreciate the nice gesture hope we can work something out thanks!