compression on 02 viper


New member
Dec 11, 2011
Okay guys yall hev been very helpful to this point,im hoping more of the same here. My yammy has 663 original miles on it , but previous owner thought starting it up freaquently would help gas issues. Not really important anyway, just throwing in there. Now i just did a compression yest on it. Power valves are correctly adjusted (did before storring).And i did not start it up before testing,which i know would help. Anyway clutch side 90-100. Middle 100-110, and far side number 3 118-120. Now i know these sleds have varried compresion ratios, but is this acceptable. Or should i start this thing up let it warm, and go again.I thought two ratios the same and one different.ANY HELP APPRECIATED. GETTING CLOSE TO RIDING TIME HERE.(HOPEFULLY).oKAY THANKS GUYS. :dunno:
It is kind of low but usually the clutch side is about 10# lower then the other 2 on mine. I've got 125,125 and 118 on mine.
Do not wory about the numbers. Do a search on compression test and you will have lots of good reading. Its about the % difference in numbers. All compression testers are different, long hose short hose, no hose. A million different ways to do it. Cold engine, warm, wet dry. Was it warm today, cold rainy. This all effects compression. Most important thing to remember is throttle held wide open ( i use a rubberband) and to make it easy on your self pull plugs out. And make sure you pull at least a good hard even 10 times. And repeat each each cylinder at least twice. Your mag and center should be within a few lbs of eachother and your pto about 10 to 15 lower. Then just check same way every time. I just do mine at the begining of every season with my maint. And if you suspect a problem. Im sure your fine, i would just repeat test doing what i said above and report back.
Thanks for info.I didnt hold the throttle open at all?Didnt think i had to.But will do.And i get the differences in sure about that.Its just this thing has such low mileage i thought definately would be okay.But as said no throttle held open.It was about 30 degrees when tested and again didnt warm engine prior to test.Thanks so much for info.Looks like your into your vipers.I love the thing ,just a bit anal about maintenance.Okay awesome.Ya da man.And will report back once i do it rite this time.Yeah total brain fart there.darr hows air gunna get into cylinders.haha.12 hour work days.yeah thays my excuse.
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Clutch side is always lowest of the 3...mine are 125, 125, 116

I would recommend an Opticool head gasket, evens out coolant flow and helps prevent meltdowns..also installing an SRX rear cooler on mine this fall..have read a lot about meltdowns when midrange and holding steady on lakes...

Vipersncbrs said:
Okay guys yall hev been very helpful to this point,im hoping more of the same here. My yammy has 663 original miles on it , but previous owner thought starting it up freaquently would help gas issues. Not really important anyway, just throwing in there. Now i just did a compression yest on it. Power valves are correctly adjusted (did before storring).And i did not start it up before testing,which i know would help. Anyway clutch side 90-100. Middle 100-110, and far side number 3 118-120. Now i know these sleds have varried compresion ratios, but is this acceptable. Or should i start this thing up let it warm, and go again.I thought two ratios the same and one different.ANY HELP APPRECIATED. GETTING CLOSE TO RIDING TIME HERE.(HOPEFULLY).oKAY THANKS GUYS. :dunno:
Well guys again much appreciated.I knew somethin was off.Just so happens it was my brain that day.ha!And yeah on the opticool+rear heat exancher which i still dont understand why it wasnt insatalled as it shouldve been from factory.Side heat exchangers are not enuf!And really that track too.Guy i bought it from put 190somethin on it,but it still just blew the track off on hard accelaration.So ripsaw/hacksaw time too.
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Okay great article bud thanks.Didnt realize meltdowns were occuring.Its great getting tips from you guys that have owned one of these.Really like the sled.And its just spotless.But wanna get it dialed in like my max 4.
