Viper Suspension


New member
Jan 5, 2012
I'm looking for a little input on a suspension swap. I have a chance to pick up a sc10-2 and was wondering how much of a improvement it will be over the stock proaction? How much change in ride height? And how easy is it to swap?

Also, what are people doing to the front suspension to get more travel and height out of their viper? Thanks!!
Truthfully, you really shouldnt need more travel and height out of the front. A good revalve or better shocks will give you all you need. Unless you have a specific goal in mind( like raising the front end for deep power riding..etc)

As far as the SC10II, Id say it will definitely be worth the swap if the skid is in good shape. (most will say the sc10-3 is the way to go, but Id bet the 2 will still be a huge impovement)
I installed a 2000 ZRT Cat skid in my 04 Viper S and it was night and day!
just my 2 cents worth of info
Ditchbanging is my favorite riding! Im fortunate to have the Ohlins up front, but Id still say a good valve job from Pioneer or Hygear, would be the ticket for the front.
And definitely think the SC10II would be 10 times better then the ProAction for ditchbanging and whooped out powerline riding. ;)!

Just talking about it is getting me fired up about riding! :rockon:
LOTS of threads with what other guys are running, search and see what the others are doing with theres. I cant remeber who it was but recently read about what they called "Ohlin clones" from REP, Racers edge products. Had pics of rebuilt KYB's that had ben re-valved and Double coils on them for 2 different spring rates. He had gottenthe idea from another member awhile ago. Theres a few waiting to hear updates on performance, looked SWEET! Sounds like they would be the ticket for ditch banging!
Chased the thread down, sounds like he is doing the rear just as your thinking.
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SnoXr... ;)!
ZRT rear skid in mine. WAAAAAY better than P/A
Turns out the suspension is a SC10-III. I couldn't see the picture in the add clearly. My buddy is picking it up for me Sunday. Its located 4 hours away where hes working too now. Drop brackets are necessary for the SC10-III right?
put a vector skid in my sx and just like other guys its a huge improvement. so much weight transfer and killer ride. get the measurements off a skidoo and see how it matches up in ur tunnel. thats what i would do before drop brackets. Seems like when guys use drops then u have to raise front. But see how it measure outs. Measurements are from center of axle to center of first hole and center of axle to center of rear hole. then measure from top inside of tunnel down to front and rear hole. you do a search measurements maybe on this site
NewfieGuy said:
Turns out the suspension is a SC10-III. I couldn't see the picture in the add clearly. My buddy is picking it up for me Sunday. Its located 4 hours away where hes working too now. Drop brackets are necessary for the SC10-III right?
no need for drop brackets. all the measurements are on this site with some searching. the measurements will be different on the front depending if you have a skid with the tapped cross-shaft or one with the mounting points on ears ahead of the cross-shaft
