Clutch Issues


New member
Nov 1, 2003
Ruthton, MN
My 02 Viper is doing goofy things after it sits overnight or long enough to completely cool. When I first go to accelerate it revs to between 5500 and 6500 Rpms before it engages. I cleaned the clutches at the beginning of the year and only have about 250 miles on since the. Never had this problem before. Should I try cleaning the primary again or??? :?: Any suggestions would be great. Possibly I should just take it to my dealer since it is still under warranty? Thanks alot! :mrgreen:
Check the might be partially stuck open. I have sethis happen in a few yammies.
I had the exact same problem with my 2003 mmax, initially the rpms were 6 grand to engage, after driving it a whild it felt ok till it sat and I tried to start off again, the bushing in the primary clutch is sticking. To check this, remove your primary clutch and remove the cover, see how easy it is to slide up and down the main part of the clutch against the spider assembly, it should slide up and down easily, if it sticks near the top you need to disassemble your clutch anc clean the shaft and bushing area until it gets free again, Yamaha told me it is a common occurance on theese clutches, the bushing can get tight and actually have to be sanded down slightly to be ok again, It gets hot and expands....... or it could just be belt dust in there.........
