98 SRX Questions


New member
Dec 3, 2012
Saskatoon, SK Canada
Hello Everyone,

I'm a new member but have been following tthis forum for a while now and have learned a lot!

I have searched the forums but still have a few questions for the experts:

1. Is there any place in Canada I can buy a repair manual for my sled? There are some for sale on ebay (in the US) but shipping to Canada costs more than the actual manual.

2. My track is pretty much at the end of its life, the local Yamaha dealer has a pile of 14" Phazer take offs (14"x121"x1" hacksaw & ripsaw) available for cheap. What is your opinion on going from a 15" track to a 14"?

Thanks for your help!
No clue on where to pick up a manual in canada BUT alot of guys prolly have it on CD that would cheaper to ship then a manual. The other suggestion is with VIP membership ($15 per year or $150 for lifetime) you get access to many manual via this forum as well as several other perks. As far as your 14" versus 15" question I havent ever run a 14" but have read on here that others have with out issues, reallisticly its only 1/2 on either side. If your staying on trail, not powder riding I wouldnt think you would notice a differance. I would make sure the pitch is the same though.
Okay thanks,

I'll join the VIP area and have a look around.

Next question; the dealer has hacksaw and ripsaw tracks (14"x121"x1") for the same price, which is the better choice for me? I mainly ride trails and bang ditches.
