Ski swap


New member
Nov 14, 2012
Winnipeg Canada
First timer, first Yamaha--2012 Venture GT-- Red. Awsome sled. A pure pleasure to ride. Was the best of all the touring sleds I tested. Best looking too. Am thinking of putting tuner skis on it for a better bite. Would it also benefit by shimming up the back of the bumper on the ski or would this mod. just cause more problems.
Nice sled! Not sure on the tunner skis if they are shimming them or not. Havent heard much about them yet. Try the 4 stroke side, i know a bunch of guys are running them there but havent seen or read of them shimming the bumpers. Just register the same as you did here, follow the link in the totallyamaha tool bar. WELCOME! and you will love that yamaha!!! Chris
Best way to determine if you need to shim skis is to look at where the carbide portion of the wear rod touches the ground (on a clean concrete floor). If the rear 2/3 touches, you should be good, if the front touches you'll probably want to shim. If you get it out riding and it darts, chances are you'll need to shim. I've had to shim my Yammies with stock skis and Pilots. I also shim my Skidoos with Pilots.
