stripped screw on carb


New member
Oct 11, 2009
well wanted to adjust my needles since i have my carbs out for a cleaning..wanted to go to the 4th groove however when i got to the center carb, the phillips srew on the throttle bar was already owner before me must of did what are my choices to remove it..i would of been easy if it was the first or third carb because the screw isnt countersunk therefore i could of cut a notch in it for a flat screw driver..but my luck i this point im thinking of just leaving them in the stock position but if you guys have any tips let me know..because would love to get this removed so i could change my needles..thanks :o|
if you cant get the screw out you can get it apart without removing that screw. although its a little more of a pain. remove the 2 allen screws that attach the slide to the linkage. then lock the carbs in the full throttle position with a pair of vicegrips lightly clamped on the shaft and positioned against the carb connector brackets so the carbs cant close. you can then grab the linkage with needle nose pliers, slide it off the arm, turn 90 degrees and it can be lifted out of the carb past the arm. you then have enough access to remove the needles.
I dont EVER remove that phillips head screw to do the needles, its locktited into the shaft and thats why someone stripped it out. Just use a 2.5mm ballend allen wrench and open the throttle linkage with your left hand and insert the 2.5mm into the 2 screws located inside the slide. Then you simply slip the little 90 degree bracket off the pin, you sometimes need to move slightly your throttle linkage in your left hand to get the angle right and they slip right out. Youll get good on your 3rd
thanks alot guys..i got one done then when i went and seen that on the second carb, i now back out to the garage to finish it technically i dont even have to take out the throttle slide that the needle is in correct? once i get the bracket off the pin i can just take needle nose and pull the needle out without taking the whole slide out??
yes, i dont remove the slides to adjust the needles, just take your finger and slip it in the bell of the carb and push the needle up, and you can pull it right out, again sometimes you need to move that big cam linkage to get passed the pin, play with it youll see what i am trying to type.
correct. I dont even use needle nose most the time. if you put the slide all the way up with your finger and hold the needle down low then let the slide drop and lift the needle up you can grab the from the top. a lot of the times the shims will stick to the top of the slide. using the needle you can get them to pop off and slide onto the needle with some practice, just pay close attention not to lose any.
mrviper700 said:
yes, i dont remove the slides to adjust the needles, just take your finger and slip it in the bell of the carb and push the needle up, and you can pull it right out, again sometimes you need to move that big cam linkage to get passed the pin, play with it youll see what i am trying to type.
beat me to it. lol
