got a question and hopefully someone knows the answer. got to looking at my secondary the other day and decided to take it off the sled and clean it. it has a hauck helix and spring in it and the only numbers/ letters on the helix are g 03 69 i think. the spring is black with a red mark on it and is set at 3-3 holes. does anyone know what this set-up is and if it is any good. also the original primary clutch that was on the sled had stock weights but a red spring that would engage at 4900-500 rpm's but it had lots of heat stress cracks so i bought a stock one with low mileage and now it engages at 4200-4300 rpm's. my other question is will the stock primary work with my hauck secondary or should i put the red stiffer spring from my old primary to match the secondary. thanks for any help.

hauck "G" is a 49/41. the red dot secondary spring is a stock yamaha spring. the 3-3 holes equals 60 degrees of wrap (add the 2 numbers and multiply by ten) anywhere from 60-90 is common. you want just enough wrap to hold the belt and give the backshift you desire for your riding type. the red primary is more than likely a hauck red and was probably bought along with the helix as part of a kit. what weights are you using?
thanks for the reply. i have stock weights in the primary. i don't have the manual in front of me but when i did look the weights up they are stock. what do you think i should do? stay where i'm at or use the stiffer spring in the primary or start over with something else. i'm just using the sled for trails and on the trail is an occasional field to open it up and clean it out. thanks again for any help.

im far from a clutching guru. but at least you now know what you've got. and the clutchers here know what you got to steer you straight. if you want the lower engagement you could find a spring with the same rate as that red spring but a lower preload. of coarse that would require knowing the rates of that spring. try out the stock one and see what your shift rpms are.
IMHO you want a lower engagement speed (4100-4200) as a higher engagemet speed will only cause you to put more heat into the belt and clutch only causing damage to the belt and as you saw a spider cracked clutch. With a lower engagement the clutches will "engage" (so to speak) and let the clutches grab the belt more efficiently and give you a more positive feel when you hit the throttle. pl;us if you get into the deep stuff and you have to feather the throttle with a wild engagement speed you will only dig deeper holes instead of being able to feather your way out of the situation.
cool that makes sense thanks. i really didn't want the higher engagement anyways cause it's no fun getting jerked back and forth just trying to ride the trails. i could see if i was only racing but that's not the case. so hopefully we'll get some snow soon and give it a spin. thanks again.