Grip tape on running boards???


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
I have 2 pieces of grip tape laying around and I was wondering if I should use them up on the running boards. All the blue paint is gone where your feet sit anyways. Has anyone ever applied grip tape so your boots don't slide around?
They used to use it back in the day, but snow and Ice would build up and render them useless.You could try it,with the running board heat exchangers, it may work out ok.
I use a similar material that Yamaha had offered for running board traction... The stuff I use is called Sano pad and was leftover from my Jet ski days... It is a closed cell foam and works well and i haven't noticed that the snow and ice builds on it...
good time to strip the tunnel and unroll the edge of your board for wider boards.

I was actually thinking about this today at work. how would I go about doing this? I read the thread "2000 SRX700 redone last night and noticed he did this to his sled and thought it was kinda cool. Also, what would you use to support the running boards as I think they would become a little flimsy.
