1999 srx 700 track


New member
Nov 14, 2012
ok i know some of you guys' out there have said good and bad thing's about the ripsaw 1.25" track but i broke down after much debate with myself and bought one. the sled currently has a 1" predator on it but it's on the edge of rideable so i said piss on it and bought a ripsaw. my question is and i'm about 99.99% sure it will work , but just wanted to ask. will i have to make any changes to the sled; driver, tunnel protectors or remove heat exchanger protectors. yes i know the ripsaw fingers are soft and flexible but i'm gonna do my best to stay off the icy road rides and stay in the good rideable snow and hopefully make it last longer than one season. if there are some of you guys out there who are using this track and are happy with the performance and if it is lasting for you what are the secrets to making it last. and also i don't plan on using studs, had 2 friends spit studs into exchangers and it just worries to much to try. even if you've not been impressed with this track please comment and give heads up on what not to do with this track. thanks :letitsnow
Possibley the front exchanger protectors (sgaure veritacl tubing) and or tunnel protectors (strips running front to rear). Some guys use a pair of tin snips and notch the lug where it would hit the front excnager protector. Going unstudded I think you would be fine
