New member
Hey guys,
Just looking for a general idea on differences between the 70 vs. 80 wrap on the secondary. I've got the 53/43 helix, green spring, and 4.5's in the tips. I realize every sled is different, conditions, blah, blah blah but How much top end am I gonna lose?. Is it really noticeable wrapping a little tighter? Mines at 70 now (and was stock), and was pretty quick last year. Lotta trail riding around here with the occasional 600-800 yard field. Just wondering if it's even worth adjusting.
Just looking for a general idea on differences between the 70 vs. 80 wrap on the secondary. I've got the 53/43 helix, green spring, and 4.5's in the tips. I realize every sled is different, conditions, blah, blah blah but How much top end am I gonna lose?. Is it really noticeable wrapping a little tighter? Mines at 70 now (and was stock), and was pretty quick last year. Lotta trail riding around here with the occasional 600-800 yard field. Just wondering if it's even worth adjusting.
well does it seem to lack backshift or what? whats your rpm at? the only thing the rear twist does on the spring is keep the clutch from overshifting as fast and enhances backshifting, but at the cost of eating up topend. As the more twist you apply to the rear clutch the more it wants to back shift when the front clutch is trying to upshift and they basicly will just fight each other.
If perhaps your thinking its gonna be gobs faster by going to 80 from 70 your thinking backwards, the looser the rear secondary the faster the sled goes topend, but you have to find the sweet spot for your rider weight and the conditions the sled is rode in. Wet heavy slushy snow will require more sec twist because theres way more load applied to the sled/clutch. Dry dusty snow will allow you to run less twist and yield the higher speeds because of decreased load applied.
If perhaps your thinking its gonna be gobs faster by going to 80 from 70 your thinking backwards, the looser the rear secondary the faster the sled goes topend, but you have to find the sweet spot for your rider weight and the conditions the sled is rode in. Wet heavy slushy snow will require more sec twist because theres way more load applied to the sled/clutch. Dry dusty snow will allow you to run less twist and yield the higher speeds because of decreased load applied.
New member
Thanks Mr.viper. Looks like I'll be doing some testing as soon as I'm able.