04 Sx Viper S


New member
Dec 14, 2012

Just got my new to me Viper today.. And noticed a few things on it that concerned me.

Are the links for the swaybar supposed to have play in them.. I'm assuming that they're shouldn't?

Also the chaincase oil seeems sludgy/greyish colored.

Last question also is When i gave it a quick rip.. if I gunned it WOT from a roll it would bog then go like hell lol.

thanks :letitsnow
Congrats on the new sled.

1] What exactly do you mean by "play"? As is - side to side, etc? Mine have no play at all...

2] Grey chaincase lube = dirty as all hell. Change it. The drain is on the inside of the tunnel on the right hand side - up by the track drivers. Drain it, then remove the chaincase cover and wipe out all the sludge. Inspect the chain and tensioner while you're in there.

3] Could be a lot of things - bad gas, jetting, dirty carbs, plugs... Clean your carbs anyway if you are unsure of the last time they were serviced.

yeah side to side play.. figured that wasn't good.. I bought it from a dealer and they "apparently" gave it a full check up which I call BS.. They also cleaned the carbs.. APPARENTLY ... They mainly deal with Arctic cat so i'm kinda sketched about that..

Put some fresh BR9ES plugs ,they had put BR9EYA and put some fresh super in her... Also had bender 4x4 can and bender pipe installed.

RevAgent said:
The drain is on the inside of the tunnel on the right hand side - up by the track drivers. Drain it, then remove the chaincase cover and wipe out all the sludge. Inspect the chain and tensioner while you're in there.

Any pics or write up for this?? I'm a noob when it comes to sleds but have decent mechanical skills working on cars..
lsbufis said:
RevAgent said:
The drain is on the inside of the tunnel on the right hand side - up by the track drivers. Drain it, then remove the chaincase cover and wipe out all the sludge. Inspect the chain and tensioner while you're in there.

Any pics or write up for this?? I'm a noob when it comes to sleds but have decent mechanical skills working on cars..

Welcome to the site. Yea your cat dealer didnt do anything to the sled by the way your talking but easy enough to fix. No write up yet for a chain case but easy enough. Its a 10mm bolt inside the tunnel right behind the chain case. Cant miss it if you get under there. If i were you i would also take cover off after you drail. 4, 12mm bolts and the gasket is reusable so no worries. Then you can clean and wipe the grime out of the bottom of the case. Then put back together and fill with 8.2 oz of your choice of chain case fluid. I use amsoil cause my yamaha dealer closed. As far as the front end thats normal for a proaction. fix is here http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30541 Easy and will fix your front and rear skid if your up to it. Lastly pull and clean your carbs for sure. Your bog is dirty carbs, fix for that is here http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30541 . You will love this sled once you get some small things squared away. These sleds are a ton of fun. and while you have the carbs out think about moving the needles. Here is the link to some good info http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=81252
super1c said:
Welcome to the site. Yea your cat dealer didnt do anything to the sled by the way your talking but easy enough to fix. No write up yet for a chain case but easy enough. Its a 10mm bolt inside the tunnel right behind the chain case. Cant miss it if you get under there. If i were you i would also take cover off after you drail. 4, 12mm bolts and the gasket is reusable so no worries. Then you can clean and wipe the grime out of the bottom of the case. Then put back together and fill with 8.2 oz of your choice of chain case fluid. I use amsoil cause my yamaha dealer closed. As far as the front end thats normal for a proaction. fix is here http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30541 Easy and will fix your front and rear skid if your up to it. Lastly pull and clean your carbs for sure. Your bog is dirty carbs, fix for that is here http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=30541 . You will love this sled once you get some small things squared away. These sleds are a ton of fun. and while you have the carbs out think about moving the needles. Here is the link to some good info http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=81252

hey thanks for the reply. You put the same link twice :)
Before pulling the carbs, I would ask you this. How much time did you give the sled to warm up? If the sled isnt fully warm, it will totally fall on its face when you grab a handfull of throttle.
As far as the swaybar links, it is common to have some play side to side.

Remember, this is a 9 year old sled, a dealer will not replace every slightly worn part. If they did, the list would be extremely long and way to costly to be able to sell the sled afterwords.

Congrats on the new ride, your going to love it once you take the time to set up the suspension.
I'm sorta new to working on sleds..

I will let the dealer look at it first so I don't get accused of breaking anyhting.. (has 30day warranty) Are the cables for the powervalves supposed to move left right (the ones going to the valves?) Also sucks when you don't have an owners manual for the sled :-(

Anyone have a pic of what the fluid should be at on the dipstick (has reverse) i looked again this morning and it's like orange colored grease mainly on the magnet..
