dual runner skis


May 2, 2003
Northern NY
I have C&A Pro skis now and wanted to get woody doolys for them but the don't make them for C&A.
Does the new ski-doo dual runner skis fit on yamaha 99 srx, or would i have to change mounts?
I have a bit of darting problem & am going to try 1 more fix with my C&A skis & if that don't work I have to get the dual runner ski. I love my C&A's but I figure I could sell them & get the duals without spending much.
If i do go dual run ski's, which is the better? ski-doo,simmons,stock ski's with woody doolys...
in my opinion the dooley carbides are a gimmick, nothing more nothing less. i have had both c&a's and doo dual runners on my 01 srx and for my style, i love the dual runner doo skis hands down. in my experience the lower mounting point on the c&a's make the rear axle sit up off the snow/ground more adding to the ski lift and weight transfer. when you accelerate through a corner the skis are in the air and not helping you to turn. on the dual runner doo skis, you will need more ski pressure, as that style ski likes lots of down force. pull your straps up a little and tighten the front springs down till you get enough turning pressure for your liking. also it is a must to set you front end at zero. no toe, no camber the dual runner carbides should both touch the ground equally. this will help eliminate darting. it will still dart in some conditions (for instance getting caught in another dual runners tracks) but under most conditions encountered it will outshine all other skis. if you get a take off set from a doo guy that doesnt like them you should be able to get a set for about 200.00 or less shipped to you. if you are not patient and what them now most dealers can set you up complete for about 350.00 or less. doo now makes a mount kit for cat, poo and us yamaha guys, but if you buy a take off set, they will work just fine. all you doo is spin the mount bushings to the outsite of the mount and put one small washer in to take up the slop. make sure you get the doo rubber bumpers it will make your life alot easier. ski
You can also try these same suspension adjustments with the C&A's as well. Like Ski said, the lower mounting point on the C&A's will totally screw up your suspension adjustment from the stock skis.
thanks for the info everyone.
I have m-10 rear & Sno-Tek front on my srx. I've had a hard time trying to fix the darting. I am going to try less spring on the front, hopefully letting the front of the rear suspension take some weight off the skis. if that doesn't work then i have a friend that works on ski-doos and he has dual runner ski's available to try out. need more snow now to test. rained all day and melted local snow.

btw : I tried ski shims, front strap tensions, diff rear skid tensions(both shocks)... and none have helped enough to make a big diff to get rid of the darting. It is only bad when trails ar real packy or slushy.
I have to keep the rear stif for my riding style & weight(275lbs), thus getting too much weight on the ski's and the darting is a pain. usually i just grab the throttle and everythings is great, but when cruising slow the darting begins.
I wanted better ski's for my 99 mm700. I bought the skidoo mountain ski and it is a direct bolt on ski. I had to shave about a 1/8" of the rubber pad that fits between the ski and spindle. The skidoo ski is a tight fit on the spindle but if you push hard enough it will fit.
BA, what ski bumper do you have in there? C&A only started making their own last year, I've got them, and they're set up very well to eliminate darting.

Thing is, dual runner skis WILL NOT SOLVE DARTING in and of themselves. I can make a dual runner ski dart just the same as a center keel ski, by simply putting too much pressure on the front of the ski.

What shims did you use when you tried them? How thick were they?
