Hey guys, I just picked up a 2000 srx that needs new powervalves cables and servo, after searching on here I found that the Valves themselves are interchangeable between years, but I was wondering if the the rest was as well. Hoping I can just pull the complete setup off of a 98. Thanks for the help.
Active member
The servo cables are longer on the 2000 from the 98 servo location.Could you bolt the servo moter back???Anything is possable.
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
NO you cant. Servo might be the same but I can tell 100% that 98 cables are exclusive to 98. This is due to location of servo. 99 and up servo is on left hand side of cowel, 98 is mounted behid carbs and cables are only about 60% the length of 99+. If you find complete set up on 99+ I still suggest you verify adjustment, Dont trust/count on the fact that donor sled was adjusted correctly. By valves being interchangeable you meant SRX 600 has 1 style,SRX 700 has another valve and the viper valve is yet another valve.newtoblue said:Hey guys, I just picked up a 2000 srx that needs new powervalves cables and servo, after searching on here I found that the Valves themselves are interchangeable between years, but I was wondering if the the rest was as well. Hoping I can just pull the complete setup off of a 98. Thanks for the help.
Yes I meant srx 700 only, thanks for the help, so if I bought a 1998 complete set and new cables I'd be good, or a 1999 and up set?
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
newtoblue said:Yes I meant srx 700 only, thanks for the help, so if I bought a 1998 complete set and new cables I'd be good, or a 1999 and up set?
^yes^, but may I ask why you need everything replaced? Yamahead can work wonders reapairing valves, Are yours repairable? His rates were $21 per valve for repair plus shipping ($6 flat rate USPS covers 3 valves+) last I checked. In my opinion well worth having a spare set. I have a 99,00,01 SRX 700's and have 2 spare sets of valves. Makes the cleaning process so much easier in my opinion, pull dirty valve put clean ones in and good to go riding! No frantic rush scrapping/scrubbing so you can put sled back together before the snow melts.
I bought the sled from my bro, haven't even picked it up yet, he said cables were stretched, 2valves were in pieces and 3rd was stuck and he figured maybe the servo was bad and caused that. I don't know much about them but after reading on here I think his problems may be from lack of maintenance/cleaning. I seen a complete set online used for a reasonable price so I thought that might be the best route for now and worst case I will have some spare parts that are good.
yes you need 99 and up cables ...the servo and valves can come from any year 700 srx ...my guess is the cables are out of adjustment and sound like you got a few pull thrus and the stoppers are worn out letting the valves drop on the pistons ...so you might have more problems than you think could have cracked pistons or damages cyliders ...or not done any damage ...i actually have a set the droped on the piston broke the blade off the valve beat around in there and got spit into the exhaust and did no damage some how ....so be sure you know what you are gettin