Sled fires but won't stay running


Jan 31, 2010
ON, Canada
Hey fellas, after cleaning the carbs now I can't get my sled started. I've pulled the plugs and put a bit of gas in the cylinders and the sled fires up but only for a couple seconds then dies. I've done this about 10 times now. It doesn't look like there is fuel making it to the carbs as the fuel lines in the carbs look empty from cleaning the carbs. I've tried choke on, choke off, full throttle, no throttle, plugs too, sled has spark on all 3, compression is good, sled was fogged prior to storage....any suggestions, I really want to go riding soon as we just had a huge dumping of snow... :o|
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First and most important.....make sure there is enough gas in the tank!! Sounds like a dumb thing to ask but dont take it for granted just because you see a wet bottom in the tank.I got the nickname Mr NoGas on my first TY ride when I started tearing into my SRX because it wasnt drawing fuel......I had about 3/4" in the bottom and thought there there was more then that.

Secondly, did you do anything to the fuel pump when you cleaned your carbs? any chance the pulse line came undone or you've switched the lines around incorrectly?

Im guessing its something simple that you've overlooked.

Good luck
What he said lol.I have done the same thing with mine in the fall after bringing it out of summer storage,tried and tried to start the thing only to find I didn't put enough gas in the tank.Now I always put at least a 5 gallon can of gas in BEFORE trying to start my sled :o| .If that's not your problem then I'd check the fuel pump and like Sno said maybe the pulse line is off if the pump isn't pumping or the fuel line from the tank is plugged or crimped off?
Thanks guys....I put only half a 5gallon can in the tank so I bet that's my problem! Duh! I didn't do anything to the fuel pump so ill top off the sled and see what happens
take carbs back out and check to see if you pilots are clogged. my guess is they are. also when you remove carbs see how much gas come out of bowls. that way you know if they are filling up. for me seems like it takes for ever to fill the bowls for the first time but after cleaning the carbs sled starts on like 2nd pull. not sure why since teh bowls are obviously empty form cleaning carbs. who knows? :o|
This happens to me the first time I Try to start my sled every year. Can't tell you what it is either. Not a maintenance thing, not low gas, dunno. I've done the air hose in the tank bit, some fuel in the cylinders, everything. After about 100 pulls it starts....then not a problem for the rest of the season. Wish I knew what the deal was. I just expect it now.
Try pulling it over without the spark plugs in. Makes it a heck of alot easier to fill the bowls after a carb cleaning.
I usually give it a few pulls to make sure the fuel was flowing out all three fuel lines and flushed the crap old fuel out without the lines hooked up to the carbs. Then I attach the fuel lines and give it about 30 pulls.
Starts as soon as you put the plugs back in and connect the coil wires and you weren't pulling the cord against the motors compression the whole time.
Fixed! Pretty embarrassing but it was lack of fuel, I guess I needed a full 5 gallon can to start it, I was trying with only half the 5 gal and it didn't work....I'll remember this for next time
Awesome! Now Im not the only Mr No-gas on the site!! Glad she's running, now get out there and lay some tracks. Be sure to take pics, cause Ive got nothing but rain here!!
them SRX's are just nasty to start.Went out one day for 50 mile ride.Sat for 2 week or more,took 30 pulls to start again.I even did the choke mod and changed to updated pump..still the same crap for starting..totally insane.Sled is in shed with no heat.I know that if it were in the insulated garage,would be around 3 to 4 pulls..don't know why it wouldn't fire up in less then 5 pulls anywhere... :o|
Hey Blue, have you ever tried the "choke shut off" method at the end of the day? My SRX spends it's life in a heated garage but when i'm on a multi day trip or at the ice shack for the day and it's really cold/windy i use this method and it's never failed. You simply use the choke to kill the engine at the end of the day or ride. This seems to keep the carbs primed and make it really easy to start after sitting. James
ok that will be worth a try.I also turned off the shut off valve also so maybe no fuel could be sucked back into the tank.Will see if this does anything.
