well I got my revealed viper shocks back from Pioneer performance Bruce is a great guy to deal with. Now I'm kind of in a delema my buddy who was supposed to help me install them is now to busy with his work, I had to wait until I got my shocks back to install my track. And now we're supposed to be getting a big snowstorm starting tonight an I still have to get my carbs cleaned which I've never done before as well as pull my skid and install my long travel shocks an then put my new track on.ugh I have horrible luck was hoping to do some riding over the holiday weekend but don't look like that was gonna happen. 

Just dig in. You'll be done in no time

Thanx I wish it was that easy but my mechanic buddy works 1st shift and I work 2nd shift along with most Saturdays, so it is rare lately that our schedules match up. Plus he also has a sweet drive on lift which makes working on sleds a lot easier. I really wish there was some other people from this site who would be willing to help a fellow member out, but living in southeastern WI isn't exactly a popular place lol. And to add insult to injury local weather station says 6-9" by morning, with a blizzard warning lasting throughout the day, so could be getting 12-16" total man this sucks!!

put in an all nighter and get dirty..I have worked till 2 to 3 am when I had to fix something on my sleds..just so I could ride next day.You have to start learning on your own.Everyone at one point knows nothing until they start to dig in and learn on their own.
bADa$$ SRX
New member
i'd come an help but i'd probably have to drive my sled down the road to make it there! lol
New member
I don't have as much work to do as you, but Im feelin your pain. supposed to get 5" tomorrow, then 10" next week and then some. I have to send my valves out to get repaired, and waiting on brake pads to come in. could be a couple weeks before I get out...
Do like blue said pull an all nighter I've done it before just so I could ride. And don't let those carbs frighten you there easier than you think, just takem one at a time make sure you can spray brake clean through all the passages and make sure there's nothing in the jets and good to go. In my opinion I think the proaction skid is way worse to instal than cleaning carbs. Hope you get it done and get to do dome riding. They're only calling for 1-2" for me no buggy since my engines in a box.

just go to ty tech in the toolbar at the top of the page. just about everything you need to do has detailed how-to's in there.
These sleds are really very simple machines. Just take your time and pay attention to detail (especially in the carbs). You will finish sooner if you take your time and don't rush it. You may be surprised how well it goes and how soon you can finish. You don't need the lift, just roll it from side to side. Spend some time looking at old posts, many of us have done significant work away from home without all the nice tools when we had to. Ask questions as you go. And yes, read the Tech Pages.
Thanks baD$$$ srx for the offer I appreciate it! Yea you guys are right I need to just dig in I'll admit it that I am a little overwhelmed with all of this, I have already cleaned my clutches it just sounds like cleaning the carbs can be a involved process with so many things to check but I think with a lil help of the tech pages I could finish that. The big issue now is changing my track, Ive taken my skid out before using my buddys lift and can swap in my long travel shocks etc, just have never taken the track off an messed with the chaincase at all. 

track install is in the tech pages too
New member
get it done
I'm in middle of putting a 136 in my Sxr. I've never done it before. Trial and error my good man its not really that bad have a beer when the frustration sets in. Be patient look things over and twist some wrenched you be done in no time and impressed with the job you have done. Way I look at it is if somebody else can do it so can I.
I'm in middle of putting a 136 in my Sxr. I've never done it before. Trial and error my good man its not really that bad have a beer when the frustration sets in. Be patient look things over and twist some wrenched you be done in no time and impressed with the job you have done. Way I look at it is if somebody else can do it so can I.
heck i havent even touched my sleds in months... and we are supposed to have a oval race in a couple of weeks. guess maybe it is time to put the suspension back in a clean the junk out of the carbs. then after that fix my egt's and put the sled on a diet. just be happy you are getting significant snow! haha
well I might now have some time this Sunday so I think I'm gonna dive in an see what I can accomplish first I'm gonna probably start on the carbs an see how that goes. I went to the Ty tech pages like you guys said an printed out the detailed instructions on how to clean carbs, so at least I have some good info to
go on. From thhe storm yesterday we got around 11"of snow so I'm now getting
more than a little ansy lol
go on. From thhe storm yesterday we got around 11"of snow so I'm now getting
more than a little ansy lol