I forgot to mark my servo!!!


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
Well, as some of you know I've sent my valves to Yamahead for repair. And in the process of removing the valves I turned the servo to give the cables some slack and forgot to mark the servo position. I do need to replace a cable as well so I've got all the cables off (they are marked) and decided to clean up the housing a little bit. I'm a couple weeks away from re-installing everything. What do I need to do to get it back to the original position?

Thanks guys!

Just assemble it with the cables threaded loose, then use the choke to idle it down, kill the engine and perform the adjustment.
motorhead327 said:
Yes it should. There is some procedures in the tech section with pictures as well. ;)!

k thanks, I'll have a look. I have the pipes off because im waiting for my brake pads to come in. should I re-install them to get the proper idle? or will it be fine with them off....probly b nice and loud tho
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I would probably wait until the pipes are on, or use the jumper method to power thw servo motor directly. But i have not had good luck doing it like that. My 98 just spun the motor continuously for some reason and not park like a wiper motor.
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