01 srx light code


New member
May 19, 2009
well i searched and went on the misc tech article and seen the charts but im not sure how to read them lol.. figured a video would explain it better then me, i just got the sled and havent used it yet. its stock exept for a little clutch work and an 1.5 paddle track.

i got a video of it, here is it.


thanks everyone, im goin out of town to go riding with it tomorow so i would like to know soon if possible! thanks alot !
I watched it like 8 times! Seems like 4 then 7 right? Looking at the tech section theres not really such a secquence for 1 code with that. Dont know if it could be spitting out a 4 (thumb warmer short) and 7 (powervalves) or not? Thats what I would think. Do the valves cycle? Thumb warmer warm? Rub threw some where would be my first suggestion.
well the light in the end is constant always does it that single light just goes on forever soo at the begining there is three quickly wich would be the ones that mean the light is working?? and after that it would be one constant one right? it goes on for ever ive let it idle for like 5 minutes and it never stopes, i just filmed it for a short while.

im not to sure.
all wires have been gone thru, under motor and everything, the thumb warmer and hand warmers work fine. it does seem like it doesnt have any power at all though. my viper is 100 times better than the Srx wich i think shouldnt be like that.
Are you working the throttle or is it idleing that high on its own? As far as I know the overheat is the only constant flashing, the rest will flash the code, short pause, reflash code....endless repeat. In 01 they added CDI=OK with that 3 flash. seems like 3 quick...1...then 7 but that might have just ben first 7 of contiuos flashing from the sounds of it. If you power valves arent working that would make sense that it doesnt have the power you would expect.
no it idles that hight and then eventually idles back down to about 1000rpms, i have not checked the powervalves and i wouldnt know where to start if that is what it was, what is a quick way to check if they work? remove the plastic cover on the servo and check if it turns? would that tell me if it has power?

thanks for the help my man.
Discontinuity of the variable resistor is detected.

1. Disconnect:
· Variable resistor coupler
2. Connect:
· Pocket tester
(to the variable resistor coupler)
3. Check:
· Variable resistor resistance
When pulley is turned once.
Out of specification ® Replace the variable
Variable resistor resistance:
(Yellow/White – Black/Red)
400 ~ 600 W at 20°C (68°F)
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would that affect power by any chance? and how would i go to fix that?

the machine still runs fine just lacks power and was thinking this problem could be the reason why.

1. Disconnect:
· Variable resistor coupler
2. Connect:
· Pocket tester
(to the variable resistor coupler)
3. Check:
· Variable resistor resistance
When pulley is turned once.
Out of specification ® Replace the variable
Variable resistor resistance:
(Yellow/White – Black/Red)
400 ~ 600 W at 20°C (68°F)

1. where is the resistor coupler??/just googled it, is it the switch to adjust the heat on the warmers?? beside the ignition??
2. like a normal electrical tester??

really appreaciate the help on such short notice!
hopefully it is not bad.. doubt the dealer has it in stock.

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Could be 41 or 42....43 is the knob. The "variable resistor" is the adjustment in the hand and thumb warmer. You should have a knob for each one. Dont think this would make sled be down on horse power. As far as testing valves put sled on a stand, pop off plastic cover and give er some throttle.....Should roatate wheel opening valves.
haha so i could just change both of the resistors and call it a day. and has far has the powervalves i will drive and go check em out and will update.
well found the problem with the power... one of the cables for the powervalves is broken. or loose or somthing im goin to take it apart and find out what is wrong.

and yes i do have two buttons for the thumb and grip heaters so im probly just goin to change both of them.

thanks for the help guys!
