sno scoot

Mine had washer and o ring. i had issues withrunning rich. found that the choke plunger was not closing completely. had to rebend spring and sand plunger body with 1500 grit . really needs a stronger spring. got it running right about 7:30 last night. just in time for santa to pick it up. i lucked out as the main mixing nozzle wouldnt come out. mine had lots of gunk inside the needle jet body. had to dig it out with plastic tipped scraper. carb cleaner wouldnt touch it.

Sure had fun last night making sure it ran good
had to rebend spring and sand plunger body with 1500 grit . really needs a stronger spring.

we did that too. his felt like it was sticking but we go it freed up. didnt seem to solve our problem. I also took the plunger off the cable and held it in tight with a screwdriver while running with no change.
just something i just thought of even though i have 2 of these guys (still sitting waiting to be restored) these are reed valve motors once the new needle and seat are in and if still having problems look as the reeds once you said it ran better with the air box removed ........that spark a though of my phazer race motors when the reeds take a crap they will idle fine and have a little low end off the line but run richer than heck on the top and if the stock reeds have been replaced with boysen reeds that will be even more of a problem as race fuels and ethanol fuel will turn the reeds hard and not open properly ...........just a thought
I had a problem like that with mine also. It turned out the hose in the gas tank that has a fuel filter on the end had turned to slime and was not getting enough gas through it. You may want to check that. Jeff Wurl
I have 5 of these sno-scoots now, so I've been through these carbs a couple times... One of mine was doing that exact same thing. It would start up real easily and idle perfect, but would bog real bad when trying to spin the track, and that was after I completely went through the carb and installed all new jets and needle/seat. It turned out to be the small rubber plugs that cover the pilot jet, and the other hole right next to it. The '88 scoot carb only has 1 spot for the rubber plug (pilot jet hole) cause the other one is plugged with a brass plug, but the '89 & '90 scoot carbs have both "holes" open, so it needs 2 plugs. One plugs the pilot jet threaded hole and the other plugs the hole right next to it. These plugs are #31 on the carb diagram. As soon as I installed mine, it ran perfect. Hope that helps.
Just wanted to throw one possibility out there...

Having many 90's Polaris sleds that all use fuel-shut offs, I can say first hand that if I leave the shut-off open for anything over 30 minutes, even with newly rebuilt carbs, the crankcase will flood like hell in a handbasket. The sled will start and idle fine but will have a nasty bog after 1/4 throttle. Removing triple pipes is not fun just to access the crankcase drain screw.

Like I said, just throwing that out there. Hope you guys get them running correctly!

he has none of the plugs that should be in the carb. I've concluded thats the problem. but he's happy enough to leave it the way it is with the airbox disconnected. thats just the way he is. he used to replace pistons on his zr800 in 30 minutes flat 3-4 times a year instead of finding what was actually wrong. it's just the way he is :o|
staggs65 said:
he used to replace pistons on his zr800 in 30 minutes flat 3-4 times a year instead of finding what was actually wrong. it's just the way he is :o|
He learned there really wasnt anything wrong....its just that its a Cat and thats the way it is! :o|

He needs to learn with a Yamaha, if its not running right, there IS something wrong! lol
I just picked up a Sno Scoot for my daughter. Does anyone know where the VIN# is located? Previous owner never registered it since he only used it on private land, hence no card.
The sno scoot vin is stamped on the right lower frame tube at the rear of the sled. Should start with 85 or 86 and will tell the year and whether it is electric start, or kick start only.
