carb differences on srx & viper


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
Ok, first let me start out by saying I finally got enough confidence that im thinking about cleaning the carbs over the holidays. I just printed off the carb cleaning instructions by Mrviper in the tech section. I've cleaned many carbs before, just not on a sled. So I think it should be fairly straight forward especially with instructions and pictures. My question is, are the viper carbs the same as the srx carbs? I think the carbs in the pictures might be from a viper but not sure. If there are any differences please let me know. I don't really like suprises!

thanks guys
I havent torn into any vipers as of yet but per the tech pages they both use the mikuni TM33. I know the settings in the carbs are different but the body should be the same. As far as I know the tripples from 97 up were all very similar. 600's using the TM31 (31 mm bore) and 700's using the TM33 (33 mm bore) Look at the "factory specs" and inventory whats in your carbs (mains,pilots, where your fuel screws are at) while your in there.
The main jet head should be sticking out further then anything else. If it is not then maybe the needle jets are not seated properly in the carb bodies and the brass retaining collar is missing. The outer portion of the top of the needle jet should be completely flush with the ventury floor in the throat of the carb under the throttle slide...there is an idexing pin in carb bodies that must be lined up with slot in needle jet for the jet to fit properly.

This is an unlikely senario but you never know..
