newby yamy guy "fell" into a srx, got a few ?'s


New member
Dec 24, 2012
hows it going guys? like the title sais, i fell into a clean low mile (830) 02 srx. my cus. bought it last year with a melted pto piston, witch i thought was crazy for such low milage, so he bought a yamy piston and rings i rebuilt it, 5 pulls and it ran mint, ran it on the stand a bit, checked plugs and they looked good, was supper crisp and ran mint.we never got snow and it never left the shop well a few months ago he passed away and i got the sled.

so here are my ?'s the last owner lived on a very long lake about 5 miles, and said he would run up and down the lake all day.. ..said it just dropped a hole and he parked it. when i rebuilt it i checked the carb boots found no cracking no idling or fuel pump issue's to leed me to think it was a crank seal.why would this thing melt a piston at under 1000 miles? are the needles set lean from the factory? maybe he went up the lake 1/2 throttle? mains to lean? maybe held it pinned?, i did find a blocked pilot on the pto carb when i got the sled but it had been sitting for a year, and like i said it was runing mint be for. maybe he put cheap gas in it and it was detonating?
sled is all stock other then a mbrp can. i will be getting rid of that when i can find a clean stock can

like i said im a newby the yamaha sleds and feel that iv covers all the basics, just dont want to take this thing to maine in week and melt it down again lol

thanks guys
First off...Welcome to the site. Pilot would be my most likely scenario or a crankcase seal, but you said that was good. 02 is the only SRX to have DCS (should have an extra light on the dash) Not sure how DCS would react with plugged pilot but should trigger and throw the emgines timing all out of whack to prevent burn down due to poor fuel or wrong jetting. To be completely honest this would be the first 02 I have ever heard of burning down. Guy might have got some uber high octane fuel or mixed up some homemade cocktail that lead to this as well. Glad to hear ya finally got a Yammie but sorry you had to inherit it!
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With stock jetting, clean carbs, and no case leaks it would be rare for that engine to lean burn down. If it is an '02 it should have DCS which would make it even more unlikely. So one of the 3 items must be in play or mods were done. Be very wise to check the current jets, needles, etc.
I will pull the carbs off again and check jetting.i will also go check and make sure its a02 the first owner said it was bit you know how craigslist is lol
Ding said:
With stock jetting, clean carbs, and no case leaks it would be rare for that engine to lean burn down. If it is an '02 it should have DCS which would make it even more unlikely. So one of the 3 items must be in play or mods were done. Be very wise to check the current jets, needles, etc.

Seems I read a thread way back when that some one set the carbs WAY lean and put el-crapo stale fuel in it and DCS wouldnt let the engine run hard enough to burn down.
EvanD said:
I will pull the carbs off again and check jetting.i will also go check and make sure its a02 the first owner said it was bit you know how craigslist is lol

Post a pic of the dash or the VIN# would tell ya.
Well i was out there i put some fuel in a mister bottle and spayed the crank seal carb boot and base no change in rpms
