98 srx 600 pv problem


New member
Nov 22, 2012
Owen Sound

New to the forums, new to a 98 srx 600 pv, not having much fun yet.

The previous owner mentioned he had some electrical problems, but showed receipts for nearly $2000 work done in last 2 years (clutch, brakes, bearings, power valves, reeds, etc).

Started the sled once home and instantly had a temp code of 7 flashes. My mechanic went through the machine and found 1 PV stuck and the servo motor not working. Repaired/replaced and set everything up. Ran like a top next 2 times out (thermostat okay, new plugs, new oil, new coolant).

Started it on the weekend - ran perfect. Shut it down and started up 1 hour later, engine was bogging. Took it for a rip but no power, bogging to the point it would barely move and temp light flashing 7 times. Back out to the mechanic. He checked the servo motor and it was fine. Found wires under the bar pad and had bad splices for the heated visor hookup, so repaired and put in new plugs. Fired up, took it for a rip and ran great until the temp light started flashing 7 times again (although no bogging this time).

Next step is to look for other electrical shorts..

Still optimistic I didn't get screwed over, but open to any thoughts or suggestions. The sled only has 7300km's and is pretty clean, so I don't think it was beat earlier in it's life.
I would look for rub threws. If previous owner stated it was having problems then it probably would. Especially where harness runs under motor. Depending on which wires are shorting out all kinds of crazythings can happen. As harness/engine moves around will cause intermitten issues. As far as under the motor goes tie a string on harness, when you pull it out the backside of motor then use string to pull it back under.
Would love to have been able to provide a good news outcome here... Found 4 wires burned through under the motor - repaired, new plugs, sled ran like a champ two times out.

Put a new speedo cable on this weekend (shuffling the bundle of gauge wires to position the speedo cable in the tabs), started the sled up and now back to square one. Bogging, no power, barely idle.

Pretty much ready to push it off a cliff, particularly when snow finally arrived yesterday and I can't run.

Any other thoughts would be appreciated.

Only sat for 1.5 weeks. I started it with full choke, then mid choke, then off. Once I went to half choke it never seemed to come up to full idle (which is why I turned the choke off... It was acting like it was getting too much fuel).
check on the left side footwell, where the cdi box bolts on to check the wiring harness, 90% of all this is caused by the harness being chafed and it arcs to ground causes all kinds of things to go goofy. Unfortunately it might be easier to just pull the harness out and go over the whole thing at this point to repair and isolate it. Another place they like to give you grief is under the gastank area at front of seat, shorts out tailight wire and makes the sled run goofy and backfire,etc. I know your frustration, wiring will give you grey hairs, but if you repair it and place harness in convolute tubing it will never again bother you and run great.
