Looking for tips/advice on clutching and powervalves


New member
Aug 29, 2011
So this is my second year with my srx. I have been wanting to play with the clutching but am clueless about it so I ended up just buying a clutch kit from pioneer. Ive been reading as much as I can on the subject but am still somewhat clueless. I'm looking for some tips and do I need any special tools? Also, I want to pull the powervalves and clean them before I fire it up for the season but am a bit intimidated. Ive read through the procedure a few times but that just seems to confuse me more. Can someone simple that up for me? Sorry, im pretty green when it comes to some of this. Thanks in advance for any input.

staggs65 said:
where did you read through the powervalve procedure? there are some pretty straightforward write-ups on here.

Straight out of the manual. I have the cd version. I just worry if I pull the valves do I need to worry about the cables getting out of adjustment? I'm clueless on the subject no matter how much I read. I'm one of those needs to be shown how the shit works kind of guy unfortunately.
First and foremost your clutches need to be in good working order. The primary has 2 bushings (one on the cover plate, one on the sliding sheave). These bushings are wear items and need to be replaced every few years. To replace the sliding sheave bushings you will need a "clutch grunt tool". This is simply a tool that allows you to separate the primary. Most members make one, do a search. Along with the bushings, the clutch needs to be clean, this is easily accomplished once you have separated the clutch. Both the rollers and the weights have bushings and these need to be in good working order as well. The secondary is easier to work on. It also has two bushings. One bushing is in the hellx, so if you have a new helix that bushings is good. The second bushing is in the sliding sheave and this sheave is easy to remove. All clutch bushings will require a press to both remove the old ones and install the new ones. Once the clutches are in top shape you can start playing with all the different tuning parts. I started this adventure about four years ago and have had a lot of fun. Make sure you use a belt that is in top shape, otherwise your tuning is all for naught.

The powervalves are extremely easy to do. Many people are intimidated if they have never done them before, but everyone I have ever met who has tackled the job has stated that is was way easier then they thought. Just start the project and post any questions you may have. It is not a hard job. Way easier then working on the primary.
go through the tech section here. there are simple how to's that are more descriptive than the manual. :wel: welcome to the site. the search feature is your best friend here. you can usually answer your own ?s using it. that being said dont hesitate to ask.
