Rear suspension help (Transfer Rods)
My rear transfer rods have about 2 inches of space on the bottom and no space on the top the adjustable rod nut is tight against the top of transfer arm. No space on top and large gap on bottom what do I need to adjust to get a 50/50 gap. I believe that I need to tighten the preload on the rear shock... Any help is greatly apprieciated. Thanx
My rear transfer rods have about 2 inches of space on the bottom and no space on the top the adjustable rod nut is tight against the top of transfer arm. No space on top and large gap on bottom what do I need to adjust to get a 50/50 gap. I believe that I need to tighten the preload on the rear shock... Any help is greatly apprieciated. Thanx
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I long traveled the rear with a xtc skid. Should the transfer rod be in the rear hole behind the 7 inch wheel or in the front hole.

long travel skid,rod in rear holes.Sanka said:I long traveled the rear with a xtc skid. Should the transfer rod be in the rear hole behind the 7 inch wheel or in the front hole.
how do i get more space between the upper joint on transfer rod?

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