95 V-Max Cylinder Head Still Leaks After All This Work


New member
Dec 11, 2003
I just rebuilt the top end of my 1995 Yamaha V-Max 600. Had the cylinder head resurfaced (along with the two cylinders) and added new gaskets (Winderosa). First, I installed the two cylinders and torqued them according to the specs. I then placed the cylinder head and gasket on and torqued the 12 bolts in sequence (14 lbs.then 24 lbs.) all in accordance to my yamaha service manual. I then filled the cylindder head with antifreeze and it leaks around the cylinder gasket. Before this I had the same problem after putting the top end together, except I did not have the cylinder head resurfaced. So I went out and got another new cylinder head gasket and had the cylinder head and both pots resurfaced and once again it leaks in the front of the cylinder head. Prior to this rebuild there wasn't any leaks. Any helpful advice or another way of putting this together would be VERY helpful.
