My buddy blew his primary clutch on his 97 vmax 600sx this weekend and he wants to be able to at least ride for Monday and Tuesday yet, so if we can find a clutch used on kijiji or something just for the time being that would be great but i can't find any yamaha primary's. will any other primary fit? I hear some people put p85 polaris clutches on yamahas, will this cluth fit? If u know of any clutch that would work let me know ASAP. Thx

I have one,but it is my is always good to have a spare for times like this..but good luck and sorry to hear.Can you borrow one from someone that may not be using one of their sleds..maybe another member close by..try looking into that.
Lots of p85s will fit, I got one off a 580? triple and had to bore the hole a little deeper but it matched up nicely and it works a little better for me than the Yamaha clutch did.
I looked at a comet clutch catalog to see what other sleds had the same size and taper hole.
I looked at a comet clutch catalog to see what other sleds had the same size and taper hole.